Title: To Make A Ghost Solid
Series: Vicious Strays
Author: Kiara (Kiara_Rogue@hotmail.com)
Pairing: S/X
Rating: overall NC-17, but its pretty tame most chapters. There'll be a warning before the nookie.
Summary: Necrophiliac monks with a necronomicon help our boys perform necromancy to save the world? Huh?
Disclaimer: I'm not nearly insane enough to be considered even remotely Josslike, so, not mine.
Distribution: Take it, I don' need it.
Feedback: um...yes please? I'm a sad lonely bum so I like it
A/N: Okay so I started this story a zillion years ago and ran out of inspiration and then the other day I was sitting on the bus wondering why the lady in front of me hadn't discovered deodorant yet and my muse attacked. I went home and sat typing from 6 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. when migraine induced blindness forced me to take an unpleasant break. And now I have it. Its unbetaed so all mistakes are mine, but here it is.
Thanks to everyone who's sent feedback...Especially Brynhild! She made me all glowy. And Megg and Miki and Janet! Wooo!
This takes place in a Buffy quasi mid-season four kind of place. Anya never came back after prom and so the Scoobies are all in a flirty kind of place. Buffy with Riley, Willow with Tara, and Xander with...um. guess! *snort* And yes, my version of Buffy is insane. Why do you ask?
%%- indicates thoughts
"What the bloody hell are you smiling at you freaky bint?" Spike's irritated voice snapped from beneath his blanket in the back seat.
"I'm not even looking at you, Spike." Buffy lied cheerfully from the front seat where she was sitting sideways so she could stare at Spike's blanket.
"The hell you aren't. I can feel your eyes. Its making my skin crawl." Xander couldn't help but smirk at how creeped out the vampire was. Buffy was being downright scary and he was glad he wasn't the only one who'd noticed. "What's this spell about, Slayer. If its makin' you this perky it can't be good..."
"Oh we're just going to make a ghost solid so I can banish it. Its no big. We just need a dead guy for the chanting." She said smoothly, which wasn't so bad, but then she cackled. The hairs on the back of Xander's neck stood up.
"Pull this thing the hell over, Harris. She's possessed!" Spike insisted. The blanketed vampire scrambled back from the Slayer.
"She's not possessed, Spike. She's being evil of her own free will." Xander explained patiently as he pulled the car into the driveway of Buffy's house. "She's a pervert and we're here so go ahead and run for the door." Spike didn't stay in the car with the psycho slayer any longer than necessary, he was out of the shady car and running for the shelter of the house in a smoking flash.
Xander stayed in the car with Buffy for a minute longer. "You creeping him out isn't going to make him any more inclined to help us." He warned her. She patted him on the arm.
"Don't worry, Xan. He'll do it, he likes you." She smirked and got out of the car and headed into the house. Xander took a moment to bang his forehead against the steering wheel. During the drive he'd resigned himself to his fate, deciding that since it was for the greater good, he'd just close his eyes and pretend like Spike was Kirsten Dunst or even Johnny Depp if he had to face the maleness of it all. If he was going to kiss a guy it was going to be a hot guy, imaginary or no. With a final thunk against the steering wheel, he hauled himself out of the car and trudged up to the house.
He came into the living room just in time to hear a nonchalant Spike say. "How much dosh are you willing to fork over to make this happen?" Xander rolled his eyes and changed course to head to the kitchen. He had a headache. He let the others do the negotiating while he took two advils and picked at a bag of cheddar Ruffles on the counter. After a few minutes pretending like he wasn't hiding he headed back into the living room. "Fine. Just one condition, though." Spike insisted. "Privacy. Don't want the bloody Slayer getting a happy when she should be fighting now do we?"
"Hey!" Buffy started to protest but Giles, Willow, and Xander cut her off with a unison "Agreed." Buffy flopped on the couch and settled in for a pout session.
"Alright then. Xander, if you'll lend me your car, I'll go get the things we'll need for the ritual. Willow can go over the details with you and Spike while I'm gone. Buffy, perhaps it would be better if you came with me." Xander handed over his keys and Giles firmly led the pouting Buffy out of the house. Xander then turned to Willow. She looked from Xander to Spike then back then coughed nervously in the awkward silence.