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The Sheddan Gang

Last Updated:

Well, I have not been good at putting up-to-date pictures on our website, but I will try to do better. We have been having computer problems, so everything takes a while. There are new pictures scattered through the site plus a link to her newest pictures. So here is an update on Regan.

Regan is now 8 months old. I just can't believe it! She is still crawling all over the place and is standing every chance she gets. She now has 5 teeth (2 on top and 3 on bottom) She weighs over 23 lbs. and I have no clue how long she is currently. She has outgrown all her clothes that we thought she would be in for the summer and is wearing 12 and 18 month clothes. Regan is also excited that she is going to be a big sister. Number 2 should be here in April :)

Jonathan and I love being parents. You can click here to see some of our favorites. Jonathan is enjoying his job at Architect's International and I love being at home. I still work two days a week at St. Mary's in Nuclear Medicine.

Jonathan's parent's have gone back overseas and his sister Emily is attending college at Carson Newman. My brother and sister both live in Atlanta. Kim has twin boys and a girl and Michael has three boys. We'd love for you to see our family .

If you want to see some Easter pictures or see how she has changed from birth, just follow the links.

Thanks for stopping by!
Send us an email! We'd love to hear from you!

Some Places of Interest

Our Home Church
