Harry Houdini WebQuest
Your task will be to create a Bio-Poem using the links in this WebQuest. A Bio-Poem is a Poem or Riddle that includes information about the person, in this case Harry Houdini, but never mentions the persons' name. The Bio-Poem should include things like importannt dates, inspiration, etc.
- Begin gathering information using the links on this site
- Create a basic outline for your poem
- Make a Rough Draft
- Edit Rough Draft
- Create Final Copy
- Present to Friend or Class to see if the can figure it out
Use this rubric to evaluate your Bio-Poem
In conclusion, this WebQuest should have taught you about one the most amazing men of the 20th century. A man who took risks, lived life to the fullest. I encourage you to further your knowledge of Harry Houdini, and all other men.