Disclaimer: Kuwabara Kazuma, nor anything officially related to YuuYuu Hakusho, is not mine. It is sole property of our wonderful artist and story teller: Togashi Yoshihiro.
Information Booth
This is where I put all of the information needed concerning Kuwabara.
Most of all, it's more like a database for all of my information on my fiction (my characters and such) and also where I put my theories and ramblings.
Basically, not only do we get a look into Kuwabara's own soul, but pretty much my own twisted mind. xD
Remember, my theories and ramblings don't have to be taken to heart.
Like most sites, this is for entertainment purposes.
Plus, if you are insane as I am, you may understand my way of thinking.
Please do NOT be offended by any information I give you that's fan-based.
Everyone has their own stories, well, these are MINE.
And so that you may know, I did do my research.
I did, however, do some alterations/modifications, just so that it can fit well into the plot.
Thank you and happy reading! ^_^
General Information:
Kuwabara Kazuma's Bio New!
[AKA: My Chamber of Secrets.]
Is Kuwabara's father REALLY his father?
Fictional Information:
[Information that belongs to my story. You can consider it AU, if you wish.]
Reficul (character Bio)
Kuwabara's Forgotten Childhood Past
Post YuuYuu Hakusho
Time Changes Some People: More About Kazuma New!
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