November 11th, 2009:
[Song of the Moment: "Demon Days" by The Gorillaz]
Hurray! I added more junk into my gallery!
Surprise, surprise, neh?
I seriously need to add more stuff than just this.

November 8th, 2009:
Today, for now, I just added a fifth page to my art gallery.
I only uploaded one picture for now. -__-
More to come soon, I hope.
(If I can quit being distracted, get off my lazy bum, or cease having a life!)
I've been very busy, lately. ^^; No time for myself, really.
Newest/Latest Update:
I added more art to my gallery!
Go looky!

November 7th, 2009:
I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween. I am mad I didn't do anything for it, not even a lousy work of art on my part!
I FINALLY added more information. There's more about Kazuma, but it's for my fan-fictional purposes.
Gives you more insight.
xD Gosh, I have so much information. I am still not finished yet!
I added some more art on my page, the fourth page.
Again. Yep.
More art works!
That's sadly all for now.
Pathetic update, I know. I've just been busy. X_x

October 24th, 2009:
FINALLY, I added Kazuma's bio. I even included pics!
There's still more to come, as always.
Newest/Latest Update:
I added some more art on my page, the fourth page.
It's two of my scanned work.
It sucks, yes.
Especially since it's on note paper. Literal note paper, without the annoying lines.

October 23rd, 2009:
I finally added some (fictional) information!
Go check it out in the "Information Booth". xP (the name cracks me up, honestly)
Go forth and read at your own delight.
Still more to come. I have not finished in getting everything written down.
I've also been sick, too, lately. Mrr. Damn delays.
Not only does Kuwabara and my OC character (Ref) hang around at this site...
But so does Sensui, Itsuki, Mitari, and a few others who I also love.
I seriously need to make this site more interesting. >>;

October 17th, 2009:
I added a fourth page of my art in my gallery.
And a rant is included with that piece of art, too!

October 16th, 2009:
I added the art gallery!
This is where all of the fan-art goes! Yes.
Please, feel free to send your fan-art, if you have any.
BTW, the quicker I get fan-related materials, the faster I can build this site up!
More love for Kuwabara! <3
Newest/Latest Update:
I added the information page.
I even added a theory.
Still more to come!

October 14th, 2009:
The website is still under HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. What it turns out to be in the end, who knows.
Keep in mind, please, the entrance page is just a warning to all who come in. This is a Kuwabara website after all, a fan-site really.
I am looking for anyone who's offering to want their fan-art and fan-fiction hosted here. Yaoi and Yuri are greatly accepted as well as Het.
I am willing to accept comics and anything else you are willing to add to the site.
I have a very open mind, so don't feel frightened to share.
And... Please do be patient.
This website has existed several times with different names.

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