Julie Neiser Notre Dame Middle hitter Sr.
Katie Day Simon Kenton Setter Jr.
Dawn Sparks Campbell County Middle hitter Jr.
Valerie Forbes Highlands Outside hitter Sr.
Charmian Craig Campbell County Outside hitter Jr.
Candra Richardson Boone County Outside hitter Sr.
Christie Davis Notre Dame Setter Sr.
Renee Meyrose Beechwood Outside hitter Jr.
Emily Kubala Notre Dame Outside hitter Sr.
Katie Thomas Newport Catholic Middle hitter Sr.
PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Julie Neiser, Notre Dame.
COACH OF THE YEAR: Kim Gunning, Notre Dame.
Publication date: 12-12-98
1998 Kentucky Post High School Volleyball Preview
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Highlands' Barre "Athlete of Year'
Highlands' Barre wins Athlete of Year honor
Ky Post-07/16/98
Vice, Highlands' Barre co-winners of AP award
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