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I am willing to do commissioned portraits for people. :) Want your picture drawn? Or do you want to give someone a drawing of themself, their children, or someone else? I'll do it for a very reasonable price. The price is $15 (plus shipping). If you want it framed, that's $5 extra (unless you want a fancy smancy frame, lol). Check out my portfolio (coming soon - for now, see drawings below), and if you like what you see and are interested, e-mail me and we'll work out details. Please keep in mind that I am not professional, so it's not going to look exactly like the picture. Oh, and please send nice, clear pictures - they're much easier on me! ^-^ Through snail mail is best, and will get better results - I will send the photo back w/ the portrait. This is a first for me, so please help me out. I have only done one so far, and it turned out fantastic, imo. ;) Unfortunately, my scanner was being stupid at the time and I didn't get it scanned - but I did get a rather crude photo copy of it that I will post, and will ask if the person will make a scan for me. Thanks, and God bless!~

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I just love to draw. ; ) I've been drawing since I can remember - I get my talent from my mom. She's an excellent artist. I have drawn horse after horse after horse, until I got better and better. I'm still improving, although I haven't really drawn a horse in quite a while. Now I am drawing humans... and boy, did I surprise myself! I was never able to draw people, but along w/ my horses, my people improved as well. Well, I'll just have to say that my talent improved overall, because I didn't really practice on people much to be able to improve them. Am I making sense here, or am I just babbling? I do that often too. Anyway, these are my most recent drawings. I am quite happy w/ them, and surprised as well, because, like I said, I used to not be able to draw people very well. And the new pegasi and unicorn drawings I just added came solely from my head, whereas (I admit) I usually do much better when I have something to draw from. But I am happy w/ these - they're better than I thought they'd be. *Shrugs* Oh well! I'll have more up soon, like some of my older drawings - horses, esp. And my older people ones, as well - then you can see why I am surprised at how well my new ones turned out! ; ) Okay, on to the drawings - I hope you enjoy them! And I'd be tickled pink to hear your comments on them, as well!~

-Lord of the Rings Drawings-

-Julie Andrews, Smitty, and Michael from Avalon (Portraits)-

-My Cousin, Aunt, Sister, and Friend (Portraits)-



-People & Elves-


