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Betcha didn't know that..

Here are some interesting facts that I've found digging around various u didn't know at least one of these...unless of DID read all the interviews in my interview section! *smiles* ALL OF THESE ARE TRUE! As u know I don't support lies! :)


1.) Nicko picks his nose! Yes his wonderfull little bro revealed that in a recent interview for revenge for Nick putting him out on the hotel balcony in his underwear!

2.) AJ Would have had two twin sisters but they died at birth aaaw *sniff* isn't that sad?! :(

3.) AJ used to get alot of detentions in school for talking!!! Shocked? Naaah!

4.)AJ's childhood girlfriend died in a car crash :(

5.) AJ Lost a friend to drinking&drowning

**Poor AJ :(***

1.) The guys' old stage costumes are hanging up in a Hard-Rock Cafe in Germany

2.) Backstreet's Back was originally supposed to be called As Long As You Love Me but they decided Backstreet's Back sounded ''Cooler''

3.) The Backstreet Boys were supposed to tour with Hanson but it got cancelled because their managers decided their music styles were too different

4.) Brian had to pull out of the last Grad Night Performance because he had to go into the hospital to prepare for his op

5.) Once a fan gave AJ her paren'ts wedding bands!!! AJ Keeps them in a safe so that he can give them back to her

1.) When the guys were performing in Germany, a bomb threat actually occured after a guy phoned in...Luckily police took care of matters

2.) AJ carries takes on tour with him

3.) Nick's playstation almost got wrecked during the guys' concert in Wembley when fans jumped the bus!

4.) AJ used to smoke but he quit after Howie's B-Day

5.) The guys' tour bus actually broke down in the Rocky Mountains during their last Canadian Tour!