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Although they have differents tastes concerning films , all of them agree , that the film liked the most was Pulp Fiction

Nick blond hair and blue eyes are an inheritance of his grandfather of sides of his mother . A german emigrant to the States

Kevin doens't endure lies and his girl should be nice and intelligent . She must necessarily have a beautiful smile

AJ has a weakness : GIRLS !!!

Since he was for the first time in Spain , Kev likes Paella a lot and ham-dices drives him crazy

Kevin are excited by rings . You can always see him at all his public apperances , with one at his thumb

Howie is the party animal of the group

Howie is the vainest backstreet boy

Nick and Howie have the worst handwriting

Nick Carter loves the feel of make-up brushes on his skin

AJ is a skilled puppeter

AJ likes to walk around naked in his new house

Brian has nightmares about falling of a building

Howie went to college with Chris from fellow Florida band , 'N Sync

Kevin is considering plastic surgery !!!

AJ is already with 6 tatoos , an ear pirced and his considering get his belly button pirced

Kev likes to "get jiggy with it" !!

Nick Carter has his own column is a pop magazine
