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"I don’t believe in being mean to anyone. I’m really a peaceful person."

"I am addicted to Nintendo!"

"I can be shy around girls."

"I just say I’m at school or something especially if I really like her."

"Personally I like it when fans do crazy things!"


"I bite my fingernails. I’ve bitten them all my life."

"I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me really well get to see them cos they’re at the bottom of my tummy!"

"I have to know someone really well before I’d even kiss them."

Howie D

"I try to keep my figure, so I’ve got to stay away from chocolates."

"Brian’s scared of heights so he doesn’t like going on roller coaster rides-but he’s no scardy cat."

"I don’t like to have a girlfriend, but I do like to go on dates."

"I said that I wore socks in bed at night and everyone keeps taking the mickey out of me about it."


"I wear, like, the new-style cotton boxers, Tommy Hilfiger ones."

"I’d like to be the President for a day, just to see what it’s like to be in his shoes."


"Everyone was afraid of me ‘cos I was such a freak. No-one would come near me, they were like ‘What the hell’s wrong with him, he’s so weird?’ I didn’t fit in. "

"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quit cause it wasn’t worth ruining my voice."

"I’m not good at secrets, so don’t tell me any!"

"I know this might sound cheap, but I might take a girl to McDonald’s for dinner.
