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Quiz on B-Rok

So all you B-Rok fans out there think you know everything there is to know about Mr. Brian Thomas Littell, huh? Well take this quiz and find out! You may be surprised and you may not! Email me if you think it is too hard or too easy! Mark this in your bookmarks cause the quiz will change from time to time! Get a piece of paper and a pencil and begin! GOOD LUCK!
1. What is Brian's date of birth?
2. At what time was Brian born? (Remember to put AM or PM!)
3. What was the name of the hospital that Brian was born in? (*Hint* it was the same hospital that he had his heart surgery at!)
4. Besides B-Rok and Frick, what other nickname has Brian recieved?
5. What nickname has his mother given him from when he was a little baby?
6. What is Brian's mother's name?
7. How are Brian & Kev related? (Cousins won't work here, tell me who is related to who to make them cousins!)
8. What class was Brian pulled from when his fate changed and what was the date?
9. What is Brian's most prized possesion; how much did it cost?
10. What are the name of his cat and dog?

Answers to Quiz