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Concert Reviews

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Hey Everyone!
If you have any other reviews for me,just e-mail me or Kelly...My e-mail is Thankyou!
This was provided by: Lisa
*~*~BaCkStReEt'S bAcK*~*~ It was January 3rd, 1998 early afternoon. I had just gotten back from lunch with my friend Meredith and some family I hadn't seen in SUCH a long time. There were 3 hrs until the Backstreet Boys Concert here in Toronto... and I was PUMPED! SIXTH ROW? How do you get better tickets than that? It's almost impossible to do so, but having an awesome uncle with connections sure helped out. At about 5:00pm, 2 hours before the gates would open, and 2 and a half hours before the convert would actually start, I started to get ready. I straightened my hair, stuck a hairband in and pulled on black flared pants and a navy blue velvet le chateau tank top. Enough details tho... At 6:00pm my uncle, Brian, Mer and I climbed into the car and drove off to the famous Sky Dome. It was HUMUNGEOUS!!! Uh.. did I spell that right? Anyhow so we definitely were not the only ones there, but after a good game of PUSH AND SHOVE, GET OUT OF MY WAY OR DIE, we were at the front gate, scrounging around for our tickets and finally through the doors. We were in section A13, which was fortunately FRONT AND CENTER BAYBEE!! Row 6. Which stunk soo bad I almost choked, was the fact that only 5th row and up were allowed to go to the front of the stage. What was absolutely a heaven sent blessing was the fact that every single person infront of us was under the age of 7 yrs!! They all were sitting down quietly with their parents who didn't even want to be there! Before the show started, all fans on the floor had a chance to run up to the stage and throw they're gifts to the boys on there. I walked up and threw a rose, specifically for Nick on the stage and walked back, as the lights began to dim. A fantastic show by RamJay was soon over and soon the boys came flying out of these stands, (get what I mean?) there were five levels, Nick being the center and the tallest, and decending in order from the right, AJ and Brian, and on the left, Kevin and Howie. Their greeting to the mass of screaming fans was, "That's the way I like it...UH!" They started with that song, and progressed into a mix of the most popular songs at that time, with a modern funk dance thanks to Fatima I'm sure, and sexual moves that sent chills all the way to sixth row.. (where I was dancing and singing along ofcourse) the concert was a blast of energy and harmony, which slowed down to a romantic pace when they broke out into "I'll Never Break Your Heart" Now this was definitely MY favorite part of the whole show.. considering what happened next. They sat calmly on five stools, and proceeded to sing in beautiful sync and co-ordination. Mer and I were standing and swaying to the perfect harmonies, with all the little kids sitting down, (we were the first standing... like... up to sixth row everyone was sitting down) Anyways, back to the magical moment: Kevin was singing the line, "I'll never break your heart" and he pointed RIGHT at me.. I know so many people say this, but I have proof he was doing so.. I stood there my mouth wide open, but I wasn't in shock enough yet not to respond, I smiled and waved to him, which he responded in waving to me, and smiling.. MY HEART WAS ABOUT TO BURST... so I blew him a kiss and he nodded my way and pretended to catch it, placing his hand on his heart and pointed once again to me... Then they all parted off stage, and proceeded to come back on stage, ONE BY ONE.. singing gorgeous solos, each one so different and amazing. During each one of their solos, they came out with roses, and threw little paper hearts and confetti into the audience, which I caught might I add, and have posted to my bulletin board. After they each had sung their solos, they all rushed back on stage to sing a bunch of up beat songs again. These included "Everybody" "Let's have a party" "Get Down" "Roll with it" and many others, that didn't really stick in my mind. After they had sung all their upbeat songs, they said a bunch of thank yous, and then made their way offstage.. screaming and crying girls, (not me, yeah right? What's to cry about?? :þ ) they came back and did an encore. But then left, distracting the fans with a video on the big screen so that they could leave the building and make their way to the tour bus without delay. After the concert was over, we all got back in the car and drove home. I sat awake all night replaying the whole concert, especially the part where I actually communicated with Kevin, over and over AND OVER in my mind. It was pure bliss that concert... and I would ofcourse be on a BACKSTREET HIGH for the next few months.. until August 18th, 1998 when they came to my HOMETOWN, Edmonton... But that's another story.
