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Quiz on Frack

Hey all you Kaos fans out there! Take this quiz on Nick to see if you are a true fan of his! Let me know if it is too easy or too hard! Get a piece of paper and a pencil! Good Luck!
1. How many brothers and sisters does Nick have? Name them!
2. What city and state was Nick born in?
3. What is his mother's name?
4. Besides Kaos & Frack, what is another nickname that he has? (This is a family given nickname!)
5. What was the name of Nick's dad's restaurant in New York?
6. What professional football team did Nick sing for their halftime show?
7. What is Nick certified in?
8. What is Nick's way of relaxing when he is at home?
9. In what production did Nick have a leading roll?
10. What is Nick's all time favorite song?

Answers to Quiz