These are fanfics that other people have written and I've put archived. Like I said, I love fanfics, so submit them to me if you don't have a place to put them yourself.
Among the Rubble New
This is a wonderful fic about Zechs during his time after
the series and before Endless Waltz.
Make sure to write the author so she'll
write the next parts ^_^ Written by Swan
This is an adorable little Zechs and Noin fic. You just have to read it! Written by Makoto Kino
This is a cute little fic! It's a crossover with Yuu Yuu
Hakusho and it's really adorable.
E-mail the author and tell her to write
more: Kai
This is a really creepy AU fic, but it's really good and well written! The imagery
is excellent and
you just have to read it! Written by: Jen
This is part one of a Gundam Wing/Clamp Campus Detectives
crossover! This is an absolute gem
of a fic! It's beautifully done and amazing
how well the author meshed the two animes without
sacrificing character
integrity. Read this! E-mails go to: Treize
Prince of Dragons
I love this fic! It is so cute and I would have never thought of it and it's
really good! It's about Duo
and Heero. It's funny and serious.
You just have to read it! Mail comments to: Cyberwolf
This is another AU fic. Its really good. It has Relena as a hacker type (come
on, who could resist
that!) Go look, okay! Comments and such to: gamer
and/or Cyberwolf
Want to submit a fanfic? E-Mail: Catherine Bloom