Here are my linky's to other pages and mailing lists... some are non-yaoi and some are yaoi, so you have been forewarned.



Anime Web Turnpike

Anipike is the best place to find anything anime related on the net!

If you like the Gundam Wing you have to join the GWML! It's on onelist and it's really neat! It's nice because you get fics (Yaoi and Non-yaoi, though I'll admit there is more yaoi) and there are nice discussions! Just click on the pic and Join, Join, Join! ^_^

~illusion of innocence~

Okay! This is the first site I've found on the net totally devoted to Quatre, and since he's my favorite male character I just had to put a link here!

ALONE ~The Complete Trowa Guide~

Here is a really good Trowa site! This is like THE site for Trowa fans. Whatcha waiting for? Click on the link!

Hiiro no peeji

This is a great site for our spandex lovin' hero! Just the picture on the cover page is worth checking out. Very nice site!

This site is done by my friend Trio Maxwell (some of her fics are in the other people's fanfic section) It's a really nice site with her GW and crossover fics, and is still growing. You can find how anime characters rate as spouses, GW wallpapers, adopt anime characters, and send postcards to your friends. 

Wings of an Angel

This is my friend Lilas' site. It's non-yaoi and has fics and such. Go check it out!

Rhythm Emotion

It's just a nicely done site!

Sanguis' Lair

Here's my friend's page... I've got her addicted to GW and FY. I'm evil!... it's a nice page got cool stories (even a poem by me!), magick, Labyrinth stuff and a FY/GW section called Suzaku's Cockpit! Go check it out! It's an awesome place! (Site's currently down until she relocates *pouts*)

GW Approved??!

This is a great little site for a great little idea! I got my Trowa approved button thingy there. You want your own or just want to see the others go here. (This site is permanently down. I know it's been relocated, but I'm not sure to where.)

Subscribe to Women of Gundam Wing

gw-women archive

Hosted by

This is a little Mailing list I started for the Women of Gundam Wing. Not a lot of people on it since I just started, but sign up :) This is not a non-yaoi ML, it's just for the women of the series.

Here's my friend Diamond's site. Again it's not GW related but he's a buddy. It's a little high-techy for me, but he's cool. Check out his artwork.

Email: Catherine Bloom