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undefined Humor

You May Be Overdoing The Genealogy If............

You plan vacations based on where your ancestors came from and how good the local research facilities are.

You notice that the name on a street sign is the same as one you are researching and immediately think, "I wonder if they are any relation?"

You tell your kids that you are taking them on a hike in the country when you are really looking for an old cemetery.

Your kids are so used to these jaunts that they actually think cemeteries are great places to play.

You go to family reunions and visit older relatives only because you want to pump them for information.

You can't remember your own social security number or your best friends birthday but you know exactly when and where your gr-grandparents were married and who witnessed the ceremony.

You have called in sick at work so that you could go to a genealogy seminar out-of-town.

Genealogy can be addictive. Want to add your own "Personal Revelation" to this list ? E-mail me at

(I didn't really call in sick but I did think about it.)