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Sunday June 1st
There has been a little sprinkle of rain with appearences of more soon.
June 2 I went to Yelvington and returned to dinner. Mr Allen ploughed corn and Pleasant E. Douthitt and J.J. Christian replanted corn after Pleasant cleared up some briers for Davis which he completed by dinner.
June 3 Mr Allen finished ploughing the corn he commenced yesterdy Pleasant, Wm Winkler, J.J. Christian and myself replanted corn at 11 oclock I failed and Mr Allen planted until dinner after which he went to ploughing for tobacco in the evening I shot some squirrels D--- ? Billy Adams come to go a fishing
June 4 I was attacked with symptoms of cholera erly last night this morning Davis called in Dr Compton he gave me some releaf Pleasant, John and Wm Winkler replanted corn after dinner Wm went to ploughing in his new ground Mr Allen ploughed and harrowed tobacco ground.
June 5 I am still confined. Mr Allen, Davis, Pleasant and John went to planting tobacco and continued at it all day. this evening I feal some better so that I can sit up a little
June 6 I am still confined to the house Mr Allen, Davis, Pleasant and John planted tobacco until dinner after which Pleasant went to Wilkersons Davis and John to replanting corn for Davis and Mr Allen to ploughing until the rain after which they all striped tobacco
June 7 I was able to walk about some today Mr Allen ploughed and harrowed tobacco ground and Davis; Pleasant; and John replanted corn for Davis until evening, Mr Allen ploughed the potatoes and the boys hoed them James A Head came and worked some on the clock but left with finishing it
June 8 Sunday I am still unwell but improving
June 9 Mr. Allen and Pleasant ploughed for tobacco after we had bulked some tobacco; I walked about with my gun after helping Mr Allen work Sugar
June 10 We bulked some tobacco after which Mr Allen and Pleasant crossed off tobacco ground untill 12 oclock after which they went to making hills. Wm Winkler, Davis and myself went and tride to catch some crawfish for fish bait but we failed to get them.
June 11 We worked for some time with Pleasants horse who had a sore on his tale which caused us to cut off two or three inches of his tale bone. Mr Allen & Pleasant made tobacco hills.(I am still unwell)
June 12 Pleasant is sick. Mr Allen and John and myself planted 800 plants of tobacco after which S.W. Allen crossed off a piece of tobacco ground near his house and went to making hills. Ther is some signs of rain.
June 13 Mr G.W. Donaldson came to assist us in making tobacco hills, Mr. Allen is at work in his garden; Pleasant is able to plough a little in corn in the 3 acre lot it commenced raining ten minuts before 11 oclock and is now raining a very gentle shower, ten minuts after 11 oclock I have been able to walk about with my gun and kill a few squirrels. After dinner Mr Donaldson went home and Mr Allen; Pleasant, John and myseld set out tobacco the ballance of the day.
June 14 Messrs Donaldson, Allen and Pleasant made tobacco hills and planted them with my assistence.
Sunday 15
There has fallen a fine rain this morning
Mo 16 Mr. Allen made Mary A Richmond a pare of shoes, Mr. Donaldson and Pleasant harrowed; laid off made hills and planted tobacco we lacked a few hills of finishing on the 16th of June.
June 17 We finished setting tobacco before brakefast and then Mr Allen, Pleasant myself helped Mr Donaldson plough with two teams.
June 18 Mr Allen and Pleasant ploughed corn until evening, they ploughed some in the gardon; and hauled hay for Mr. Allen and ourselves; one load to him and three to ourselves.
June 19 Pleasant & Mr. Allen ploughed corn
June 20 Mr Allen and me went to town after flour grocerys & Mr Allen took some chickens; We also took Ben Shadwicks tobacco and Miss A. P. Douthitt came home with us
June 21 Mr Allen and Pleasant hauled a load of wood and then went to ploughing corn
June 22 We all went to Mt. Zion church to hear Rev Wm. O. Smith preach
June 23 I went to see Mother; Pleasant & Mr Allen ploughed corn
June 24 I went to George Husks; Wm Winklers & Samuel Pickrels. Mr Allen & Pleasant ploughed corn until late in the evening they went to hauling manure from the stable to the orchard
June 25 I went to Yelvington and got a plough layed; Pleasant hauled manure and Mr Allen is sick
June 26 I went to Lanums? ; Wm Husks & Wilkersons Pleasant ploughed in the orchard & Mr Allen is sick
June 27 I went to Knottsvill after the doctor for S.W.Allen (he is quite sick) Pleasant ploughed in the orchard
June 28 I attended to Mr Allen Several times during the day and aided Pleasant in planting the orchard with corn after dinner I went to look for some out cattle and kill some squirrels & Pleasant ploughed a piece of corn.
June 29 Sunday We have had a small shower of rain this morning.
June 30 Pleasant, John & Me replanted tobacco until dinner; after which Pleasant ploughed in the long field assisted by P.B.Duncan. John thined corn & I went Yelvington Mr Allen is improving
July 1 I hunted for cattle & hogs Pleasant and Warren Duncan ploughed in the corn & tobacco and John thined corn Mr. Allen is still unwell
July 2 Warren Duncan & Pleasant ploughed in the middle cut of corn in the long field. Mr Allen worked some in his garden
July 3 Mr Allen; Pleasant, & Warren Duncan ploughed corn in the long field, Wm Winkler ploughed for us in the lot back of the garden
July 4 Davis & me went to the barbecue at Yelvington Mr. Allen ploughed tobacco, Pleasant & Warren thined corn and hoed tobacco.
July 5 I went to mill with the waggon Mr Allen, Pleasant and Warren thined corn and hoed tobacco.
Sunday 6
A very warm day
July 7 P. B. Duncan commenced a months work for which I am to pay him ten dollars in goods or money when I get a return for my tobacco They all worked in the tobacco Mr Allen ploughed Perry & Pleasant hoed
July 8 Mr Allen ploughed tobacco until dinner after which him & me hauled wood Perry & Pleasant hoed tobacco at dinner we put a gum in a spring east of the orchard.
July 9 I went to Thos. Conders to get him to coca--in my horses eyes. Mr Allen cut some oats and Perry and Pleasant ploughed and hoed some tobacco in the fore part of the day.And in the evening they all went to work in Davis, tobacco
July 10 Mr Allen, Perry & Pleasant worked in Davis tobacco until late in the evening they bound and shocked some oats.
July 11 Mr Allen, Perry & Pleasant finished Davis tobacco and then went to ploughing corn the ballance of the day.
July 12 Mr Allen, Pleasant & Perry is ploughing in long field and finished it with evry other row I attended the meeting of the Church session at 2 oclock & at 5 heard R. C. Taylor
July 13 R. C. Taylor preached from first John 4 ch & verce.
July 14 I went to James Perrys after a sythe and cradle. Mr Allen & Davis cradled oats Pleasant & Perry ploughed until dinner after which they bound and shocked oats
July 15 Mr Allen and Davis and Pleasant finished cuting our oats and Perry finished ploughing the 3 acre lot. A while before dinner after which they bound and shocked oats
July 16 We all prepared our sythis and commenced cutting our medowe. In the evening there came a light shower of rain and Perry, Pleasant and me moved a gum from one spring to another
July 17 Perry and Davis helped J. H. Richmond rais a barn Mr Allen Pleasant & me worked in the medow (a small shower of rain)
July 18 Davis; Winkler & me helped J.H. Richmond finish his barn. Mr Allen; Perry & Pleasant ploughed in the fore noon and in the evening bound up oats. Davis helped them in the evening.
July 19 Mr Allen made J.J. Christian a par of shoos and in the evening helped me carry a quarter of beef from J. McCunes, Perry & Pleasant ploughed a while in the morning and then made hay; bound up oats shocked ? (written in the margin- 5 minuts rain this morning)
Sunday I am quite unwell today.
July 21 I went to Pullams & Knottsvill in the morning and in the evening visited Mrs Nancy Duncan who is sick all the others made hay
July 22 I went J.H.Richnond to see the sick and to Knottsvill to get a sythe for S.W. Allen Mr Allen Perry & Pleasant made hay.
July 23 Mr Allen Perry & Pleasant stacked hay and oats I hunted squirrels
July 24 I went to Barkers sale and in the evening hunted squirrels Mr Allen Perry & Pleasant cut grass and made hay.
Friday July the 25th 1851
I hunted squirrels hard all day Mr Allen Perry and Pleasant made hay
July 26 I went to Lamberts to the squirrel hunt Mr Allen Perry & Pleasant made hay (our barbecue was a poor thing)
July 27 Mrs Douthitt went on a visit to Mothers from thence to her fathers.
July 28 Mr Allen, Winkler & me hauled and stacked hay; Perry & Pleasant hauled oats until dinner at which time it rained a light shower then all hands went to mowing.
July 29 I went deer hunting Mr Allen Perry & Pleasant and Davis after the morning finished cutting our medow and then went to the creek to fish but failed to get a net.
July 30 Mr Allen went to Knottsville trading Davis Perry & Pleasant bulked some tobacco after which Mr Allen ploughed tobacco & Perry & Pleasant hoed
July 31 Allen Perry Pleasant & Davis made hay I walked about some with my gun
August 1st
I went to Owensboro Mr Allen Winkler Perry Pleasant & Davis stacked hay until dinner at which time Mrs Allen was taken and there was but little more done
Aug 2 Mr Allen, Perry Pleasant & Winkler hauled and stacked Davis, oats and Davis went to mill in the evening they cocked some hay & stacked one stack Winkler and me went to his new ground; sewed some turnip seed hunted squirrels.
Sunday August the 3rd 1851
It is misting rain this morning
Aug 4 We all went to the election and deer driving
Aug 5 Mr Allen, Perry & Pleasant ploughed hoed and toped tobacco Davis, McCune Winkler & me went hunting.
Aug 6 I went to Ohio County and brought Mrs. Douthitt home Mr Allen,Perry;Pleasant & Davis stacked hay in the morning & in the evening striped tobacco ( We had a small shower of rain today)
Aug 7 Allen ploughed tobacco and hoed some Perry primed until dinner which finished his month. Pleasant was laid up with a cold . I went to Yelvington to the black smiths shop.
Aug 8 I went to Yelvington with Mary A. Richmond (trading) Allen Davis & J. Perry put up a small stack of hay after which Mr Allen hoed tobacco (Pleasant unwell) in the margin -A light shower
Aug 9 I attended the session Pleasant went to mill J. Perry, Davis & Mr Allen striped some tobacco.
Aug 10 Sunday a cloudy day
Aug 11 I had a sever attack of head ache Mr Allen & Pleasant primed and ploughed tobacco
Aug 12 We all striped tobacco (a fine shower of rain After dinner I went in a drive and killed a deer.
Wednesday August 13 1851
Mr Allen & Pleasant primed and ploughed tobacco. I went to H. H. Winklers and got Nancy Rolen to assist Mrs Allen doing her work.
Aug 14 I went to Owensboro & Yelvington Mr. Allen & Pleasant ploughed and toped tobacco
Aug 15 We loaded the waggon with tobacco after which Davis and me went to Yelvinton with it Pleasant went to J.H. Richmonds to raising Mr Allen primed and ploughed torbacco
Aug 16 Davis and me hauled 3 boxeds for Hirsh from E Lanums to Yelvington Mr Allen and Pleasant ploughed and toped tobacco and in the evening they hauled some rails and repared some breaches in the fence between the corn and clover and Davis and Sylvester R Richnond & me went squirrel hunting.
Aug 17 Sunday a fine day but verry warm. in the evening we had quite a storm of rain and wind
Aug 18 We all striped tobacco assisted by Wm Winkler it was quite a damp day
Aug 19 We striped tobacco and hauled a load to Yelvington.
Aug 20 Mr Allen and me went to Yelvington in the morning to settle a dispute about fale weights in tobacco; and in the evening Davis Mr Allen & myself hauled our last tobacco to Yelvington and settled the dispute about the fals weights
Aug 21 Mr Allen went home with Miss Nancy Rolen and took some hogs to Wm Winkler in the morning and in the evening waited on his wife who was sick Pleasant suckered tobacco & I attended session at Mt Zion
Aug 22 I went to Owensboro Mr Allen Mr Perry & Pleasant suckered tobacco
Aug 23 Mr Allen and me went to Capt Augustuses and killed a mutton and returned at 10 oclock after which Mr Allen went to mill I went to G. W. Donaldsons Mr Perry housed tobacco Pleasant went to meeting.
Aug 24 Sunday we all went to church
Aug 25 Mr Allen J Perry (half the day) & Pleasant choped down timber for barn logs the rest of us went to church
Aug 26 Allen; Perry; Elisha Head Davis & Pleasant got out barn logs.
Aug 27 G. W Donaldson, Allen, Perry & Davis got logs Pleasant helped Wm Winkler until dinner after which he worked at the logs in the evening I went with the ladyes to church.
Aug 28 Donaldson, Allen & Head got barn logs Pleasant helped Winker half the day then worked in the tobacco I went to church in the evening with the ladies
Aug 29 Allen Head Davis worked at the logs until dinner after which they aided Harvy Douthitt and Pleasant in the tobacco I went to Newsoms.
Aug 30 Pleasant went to mill all the rest of us worked the road until dinner after which Head, McCune; Winkler & me went deer driving and Mr Allen went to Yelvington on business for himself
Aug 31 Sunday
September the first
Jesse & James H Richmond Allen & Tedd got barn logs Pleasant worked in the tobacco
Sept 2 I went to Owensoro with Miss A.P. Douthitt, Allen, Head, Jesse H Richmond and James H
Richmond half the day got barn logs Davis & Pleasant worked in the tobacco
Sept 3 Allen, Head & Davis got out barn logs & Pleasant wormed and suckered tobacco I went to Stanbushes to see the sick.
Sept 4 Davis, Head, & Allen got logs until dinner after which they all worked in Davis tobacco, Pleasant `worked in our tobacco, In the evening I went to Mrs Dadismans and to Yelvington
Sept 5 Messrs Allen & Head got logs until sinner after which theuy aided Pleasant in the tobacco I attended ameeting of the session.
Sept 6 I hauled board timber for Wm Winkler half the day Allen washed for his wife Head and Pleasant suckered tobacco until dinner at which time they quit work Davis & Donaldson got logs until dinner and Donaldson and Allen until night
Sept 7 Sunday
Sept 8 I went with John B. Haywood to drive some csttle from Mrs. Montgomerys ans I sold three steers for $40 Mr. Allen E. Head & Pleasant suckered tobacco
Sept 9 I helped Haywood home wirh his cattle Allen Head and Pleasant suckered tobacco until dinner after which they helped Davis with his tobacco Davis helped in our tobacco until dinner
Sept 10 Allen, Head got logs & Pleasant & John J. Christian suckerd tobacco
Sept 11 I went on a drive. Head, Pleasant and Allen cut and hung tobacco until dinner after which Mr Allen went to Captain Augustus and dressed a mutton and in the evening he went to Jas. Perry after Mrs Allen
Sept 12 Mr Allen returned home and made him self a par of shoes. Wm Winkler raised his barn; assisted by Jesse Richmond , James Richmond, J. Shaswick, G. W. Donaldson, Beauchamp, Sturgon, Head, Davis Douthitt, P. Douthitt, Warren Duncan, L. Clark, E. Clark, G. Winkler, Ed Winkler, H. Smeathers, A. Smeathers, Regnor Ballard and in the evening Jas McCune & V. Richmond
Sept 13 We finished Winklers barn assisted by Jesse Richmond , J.Shadwick, McCune, Sturgon, Head, Davis, Ed Winkler, & myself (finished at 10 oclock) Allen & Head work in tobacco Ples. went to mill
Sept 14 Sunday
Sept 15 Allen, Head, and Pleasant cut tobacco
Sept 16 do " " " cut tobacco
Sept 17 Allen Head Pleasant & Sturgon cut tobacco
Sept 18 Allen and Davis and me went to S Duncans to dig a grave for G.Husks child, Head Sturgon Pleasant and Allen after dinner cut tobacco
Sept 19 Allen, Head, Davis and Pleasant cut tobacco
Sept 20 Allen and me got up rock to put under the corner of my barn Head Davis & Pleasant went to Owensboro
Sept 21 I have been getting hogs and horses out of the cornfield Sunday as it is.
Sept 22 Allen, Head, Davis, Pleasant & myself hauled and housed tobacco till dinner afrer which they all suckered and cut tobacco and I hunted squirels.
Sept 23 Mr Allen is sick Head, Davis, Pleasant & myself hauled and housed tobacco
Sept 24 Mr Allen was sick until dinner after which he drove the waggon Davis, Head, and Pleasant hung and scaffoled tobacco until dinner and then hauled and housed tobacco I went to Yelvington in the evening.
Sept 25 I went a hunting; Allen, Head and Pleasant cut tobacco for Davis.
Sept 26 Allen, Head & Pleasant worked for Davis I went to the tanyard
Sept 27 Mr Allen went to mill and returned to dinner Head & Pleasant helped Davis scaffold tobacco until dinner afer which all hands hauled and housed tobacco for us; Davis helping them
Sept 28 Sunday a cool day
Sept 29 A consciderable frost this morning Allen, Head & me cut corn when Pleasant returned from Ohio County with his Mother he suckered some tobacco
Sept 30 Allen, Head & Pleasant cut and shocked corn I went to Mrs. Adams
October the first 1851
Allen, Head, Davis and Pleasant cut and shocked corn. I helped a while in the morning
Oct 2 I attended the session all day Allen, Head & Pleasant cut corn until dinner after which they cut tobacco (finished today)
Oct 3 I was sick in the morning and in the morning and in the evening went to Knottsville Kallams Head is gone to get his mare shod Allen & Pleasant housed tobacco shelled corn and went to mill
Oct 4 Allen and me hauled and housed tobacco for Mrs. Adams tobacco Pleasant done up the job & cleared ground
Oct 5 Sunday
Oct 6 I went to A.G. Hollises to build some chimneys Allen, Head & Pleasant worked in the clearing
Oct 7 the work continued the same
Oct 8 do do do do
Oct 9 Pleasant went to Yelvington Allen & Head cleared ground
Oct 10 All hands cleared ground until dinner at which time Head quit work. Allen & Pleasant sawed barn logs
Oct 11 Allen & Pleasant sawed barn logs
Oct 12 Sunday
Oct 13 I returned to Hollis Mr Allen went to Jas Perrys after his cow and Pleasant went to J. G. Wilkersons after the waggon
Oct 14 Mr. Allen went to Owensboro with the waggon Pleasant picked pumpkins.
Oct 15 Mr Allen & Pleasant hauled corn and pumpkins
Oct 16 do do do
Oct 17 I went to Knottsville and Yelvington Allen & Pleasant ploughed in rye
Oct 18 I went to presbytary Mr Allen ploughed in rye until dinner Pleasant choped wood after which Allen choped wood & Pleasant went to Wm Winklers
Oct 19 Sunday
Oct 20 I attended Presbytary Allen made Pleasants shoes Pleasant went to meeting
Oct 21 I went to the ship to get horses shod Mr Allen & Pleasant hauled corn
Oct 22 I went to get more horses shod Allen & Pleasant done up some jobs
Oct 23 Mr Allen and me cut a board tree and made waggon bows Pleasant hauled wood
Oct 24 I went to Rockport Mr Allen and Pleasant hauled corn
Oct 25 We all hauled corn until dinner Mr Allen & me mended harness & Pleasant and John went to mill
Oct 26 Sunday
Oct 27 We were all engaged in making preparations loading the waggon and in the evening came up home with the Allens Family on their journey to Nelson County Ky.
Oct 28 We started to Nelson and camped 2 miles above Hawesville
Oct 29 We drove from two miles above Hawesville to the top of the hill near Hardinsburg.
Oct 30 We drove the third day within four and a half miles of Big spring and camped at McCances at the Cave Spring
Oct 31 We drove within two miles of Elizabeth town
November the first 1851
We drove to Davises within six miles of Bardstown
Nov 2 We drove to A Birkheads in Nelson Co Sunday
Nov 3 Rev. A Birkhead and myself went up into Washington County in search of an Indian doctor and returned at night
Nov 4 I was very sick all day and night with a coald and sick head ache
Nov 5 I was still lingering all day mostly confined to the house Mr Birkhead, Mr. Allen and myself went out and got some cedars and catawby grape vins and also some of the Isabella grape vines and put them into the waggon to bring home.
Nov 6 Mr. Allen and me started home and Mr Birkhead came with us 13 miles to Davis where we fed and him and me went to the knobs and got some pines to plant at a late hour that night we got John Humphries four miles from Elizabethtown in Hardin County
Nov 7 We camped two miles this side of Big Spring after driving until some time in the night
Nov 8 We drove to McQuadys ten miles this side of Hardinsburg and pu up at a late hour of the night.
Nov 9 We got home at night after a hard days drive This being Sunday night
Nov 10 We planted our ceders and grape vine and in the evening
no further entries