Here is a list of some famous cartoons characters that could be gay.
- VANITY SMURF. flammer! no straight man looks in a mirror that much
- BERT & ERNNIE. sure they sleep in separate beds but they take bathes together
- TINKY WINKY. probably gay he does carry a purse but it could be part of his culture
- KERMIT THE FROG closet case. he spends a lot of time running from Miss Piggy
- POPEYE. possible closet case. he is a sailor and says, I yam what I yam a lot
- FRED FLINSTONE AND BARNEY RUBLE. Well have a gay old time need I say more closet cases
- BARNEY THE BIG PURPLE DINOSAUR. well he is purple but I'd say more of a child molester
Waylon Smithers, once said, "I think women and seamen don't mix." But is he really
gay? In an episode that reveals Smithers himself to be an avid Malibu Stacey doll
collector, we get to see the screen saver on his computer–a naked picture of Mr. Burns
that greets Smithers with "Hello, Smithers. You're quite good at turning me on!" And
when Springfield's nuclear power plant is on the verge of suffering a catastrophic
meltdown. Mr. Burns remarks, "I guess there's nothing left to do but kiss my sorry ass
goodbye," Smithers promptly asks, "May I, sir?" You gotta love it.
Here are other examples of what I'm talking about
Smithers: People like dogs, Mr. Burns.
Burns: Nonsense. Dogs are idiots! Think about it, Smithers.
If I came into your house and started sniffing at your
crotch and slobbering all over your face, what would
you say?
Smithers: ... If you did it, sir?
When Burns fantasies about Marge, he asks Smithers about that dream where you're in
bed and they fly in through the window. Smithers groans with pleasure, imagining Burns
himself flying through his bedroom window. Smithers says, "You've been reading my
wishbook, sir."
When Burns is overcome with emotion, he tells Smithers that he loves him. Smithers
replies, "The feeling is more than mutual, sir.
Smithers imagines a naked Burns jumping out of a cake and singing "Happy Birthday,
Mr. Smithers."
At the "Do What You Feel" Festival, Burns fails to hear Smithers confession of love for
him. Afterwards, Smithers quietly says, "Oh, who am I kidding? The boathouse was the
In this episode, Smithers basically shows a lot of resentment towards Burns courting
Marge's mother. When Burns asks for help in composing a love letter, Smithers recites
"`Darling one, read my words and hear my heart speak of a love soft and undying: a love
that will be with you always. Sincerely,' yatta, yatta, yatta." Burns asks how he thought it
up so fast. Smithers cries, "I sent it to you on your birthday! [sob] Excuse me, I have
something in my eye!"
Smithers makes a comment that Sideshow Bob's ultra-conservative views conflicts with
his "choice of lifestyle."
When a record thrown by Moe hits Smithers in the head, Smithers appears to get excited
when he sees the record's title "It's raining Men."
During his confession, Smithers mentions he once tried to march in the St. Patrick's Day
It was pointed out by several people that some cities in the US have managed to ban
homosexual groups from marching in the parade
When Burns and the police arrive at the Simpsons house, Burns discovers Smithers had
recorded over his tape of "Ride of the Valkyries" with a recording of ABBA's "Waterloo"
Smithers goes on vacation to a resort where "taking pictures" is forbidden.
the following list about Smithers' trip:
•Smithers calls Burns from a bar where men are visibly dancing with other men.
•Smithers heads a conga line composed of only men. •Smithers drives a speedboat,
pulling a pyramid of men in Speedos.
Burns asks Smithers to take off his belt; Smithers replies, "with pleasure, sir."
Smithers is "caught on film" leaving a burlesque house. Burns demands an explanation;
Smithers replies, "My parents insisted I give it a try."
In a restaurant Smithers discovers John, who is an homosexual, eating dinner with the
Simpson family, and becomes upset.
Smithers: So this is your "sick mother"?
John: Don't do this to me, Waylon.
When it appears that the world is coming to an end, Smithers says "Oh, what the hell,"
and kisses Mr. Burns full on the lips. Afterwards, he makes some lame excuses about it
being "a sign of deepest respect."
When Lisa's message-rocket breaks into Mr. Burns's office and lands in his suit, the old
man tells Smithers he has "a rocket in my pocket." Waylon's knowing reply: "You don't
have to tell me, sir."
During the "In the Navy" musical number, Smithers is seen dancing next to the Village
The Smurf Village was always all-male, until Smurfette came along, when it was still
overwhemingly male. This means that they did not procreate by traditional means, and
thus, 'heterosexuality' would not be the norm. If the Smurf Village existed for ages
without any females, how would the Smurfs have been able to understand what the
Smurfette was ? Certainly, nature would provide examples of male-female bonding that
the Smurfs would have been able to observe, but in their own sphere, there were never
any women, and never any heterosexuality. Thus, how could Smurfette have been able to
seduce anyone? Are the creators trying to say that heterosexuality is the natural state,
even if it never existed in society and there was never any frame of reference for
understanding what heterosexual attraction was?
This sit was designed for entertainment purposes only, and is not meant to offend anybody
gay or straight, nothing here should be taken serious and if your offended by the subject
you have no life or your Jerry Falwell so go kill yourself because nobody want to be put
in the same category as Falwell.
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