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William M (Bill) Hicks, born 16 September, 1961; died Little Rock, Arkansas, 26 February, 1994 of pancreatic cancer, he was 32 years old.
He started doing standup comedy when he was 13 years old
Hicks became the first perfomer since Elvis Presley to be banned from CBS's Ed Sullivan Theater where the David Letterman Show is in residence and where Hicks had made his 11th appearance

"Do you know that if you play New Kids on the Block backward... they sound better?"
"I hate you non-smokers with all of my little black fucking heart. My biggest fear is that if I stop smoking, I'll become one of you."
"Jimi Hendrix died in a pool of his own vomit. Do you know how much you have to puke to fill a pool?"
"I love pornography... that is one of my big fears in life, that I'm gonna die and my parents are gonna have to clean out my apartment and find that porno wing I've been adding onto for years. There'll be two funerals that day."
"You know what bugs me about (abortion opponents)? If you're so pro-life - don't lock arms and block medical clinics. If you're pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries ...
"I've been traveling a lot lately. I was over in Australia during Easter. It was interesting to note they celebrate Easter the same way we do - commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus by telling our children that a giant bunny rabbit ... left chocolate eggs in the night.
"Gee, I wonder why we're messed up as a race. You know, I've read the Bible. Can't find the words 'bunny' or 'chocolate' in the whole book
"I feel like a big unknown X in this country," Hicks said a few hours before the fated Letterman show. "I haven't done anything I want to do. I want to change the world and you do that by changing our perceptions."

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