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The Butterfly Man and his Butterfly Angels

I began my day in the park. Early while the sun rose. Walking through the park listening
to the sound of silence. I aproached a park bench, sat down and looked around.
Just silence everwhere as I watched the butterflies flutter near me. There was not a soul in sight.
As I looked over my shoulder I saw a homeless man laying against an old oak tree.
He smiled at me and I smiled back turning away quickly.
Then the homeless man said "The Butterflies are beautiful" Not wanting to associate I nodded my head, agreed, and then carried on with my business.
Then the man said "You know butterflies are lucky. They are always beautiful no matter their color. They are so sweet and kind. They never have to worry about never having food or shelter." He caught my attention and I turned to listen to him. I ask him if there was anything I could do to help him. He assured me that he was fine. While he gazed at the butterflies I slipped some money into an envelope. As I was leaving I reachd him the envelope and told him to take for it would be very useful. The Homeless smiled and thanked me as I walked away. A couple of days later I returned to check on the homeless man. He was no where in sight. I asked park rangers if they had seen him and they said he disappeared a few days ago. Sadden and worried I walked to the old oak tree were he always stayed. The butterflies were fluttering around the tree as usually and then I noticed something carved in the tree. It was a picture of a butterfly and below it was written:
My Butterfly Angels,
YOu have gave me so much joy. You taught me beauty and understanding. You were the light of my life. You loved me for who I was, not what I had. You were always there to listen and lend a helping hand. No mater my mood you always brightened my days. Now its time we must part. I have lived my life happily because of you. Now you must continue on without me. Please don't forget me, because I will never forget you my butterfly angels.

Then I looked down at my feet and saw the enevople I had given him. The money was still inside and there was a note.

My Princness, I need no wealth. I need no shelter to make me happy. All I needed was warmth of love and happiness. My butterflies were my happiness. Now that I am gone my butterfliesare on their own. I don't ask much from you but I do ask if you woudl please come by everyday . Sit and talk to my butterflies and keep them company. I loved my butterflies and they loved me, and the day I saw you there was no doubt in my mind that they would not love you too. Love Always, The Butterfly Man

At that very moment I realized that man was not homeless. He had a home. A very special home. He loved his home, all alone, up against the old oak tree with his butterfly angels.
By: Jessica Marcum