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Poems To Kaylee Ann....

Poems To Kaylee Ann....

Some People Only Dream Of Angels..I Held One In My Arms

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A Special Little Girl...

There is a special little Girl in our hearts.
When she died she took apart of us.
All our dreams and hopes for her are gone and never will be.
She was a beautiful little Angel that flew to heaven
before we got to share her life.
We would do anything to see her smile or cry.
Or look into our eyes and know the love we feel
Our hearts aches to hold you, comfort you,
to feel her skin so smooth and soft.
To hold her against my breast for awhile.
And feel her little body against mine.
We loved her long before her birth.
A special bond shared between your family and babe.
We waited for our sweet little Kaylee Ann
but God decided not to let us have her even though the love
we have is great.
He decided she served her purpose quickly.
So now we have our own little Angel to watch over us and guide us.
But it doesn't take away the empty feeling.
We cannot wait to meet her again at Heaven's Gate.

This Birthday Card was given to me by my friend Rena
Thank You my Friend for you have the biggest Heart that I know...
As Gentle As A Butterfly Kiss On Your Check
from a Child Who Whispers "Remember Me?"
Artist Lisa Jane

The Tiny "Rosebud" God Picked To Bloom In Heaven

The Masters Gardens From Heaven Above
Planted A Seed In The Garden Of Love
And from It There Grew A Rosebud Small
That Never Had Time To Open At All
For God In His Perfect And All Wise Way
Chose This Rose For His Heavenly Bouquet
And Great Was The Joy Of This Tiny Rose
To Be The One Our Father Chose
To Leave Earth's Garden For One On High
Where Roses Bloom Always And Never Die...
So, While You Can't See Your Precious Rose Bloom
You know The Great Gardens From The "Upper Room"
Is Watching And Tending Each Petal So Fair...
So Think Of Your Darling With The Angels Above
Secure And Contented And Surrounded By Love
And Remember God Blessed And Enriched Your Lives, Too
For In Dying Your Darling Brought Heaven Closer to You
-Author Unknown-


One: In the rising of the sun and its going down
We Remember Her...
All: In the blowing of the wind and in the chill
of the winter
We Remember Her...
One: In the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring
We Remember Her...
All: In the blueness of the sky and in the beauty of the summer
We Remember Her...
One: In the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of the autumn
We Remember Her...
All: In the beginning of the year and when it ends
We Remember Her...
One: When we are weary and in need of strength
We Remember Her...
All: When we are lost and sick at heart, we
We Remember Her...
One: When we have joys we yearn to share
We Remember Her...
All: So long as we live, she too will live, for she
is now a part of us as We Remember Her

We are hurting Lord, Many of our dreams are shattered
with our child's death.
God, give us the strength we need to get through each day.
Some people tell us it was your will; that it was for the best;
that you neeeded an angel in heaven. They say, God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
I don't believe any of it.
My faith is sorely tested.
I find myself doubting your love and even your existence.

Please be there Lord, even when we are doubting you.

I feel helpless, empty, aching and depressed.
There are no answers to my searching for "why" and "why me"?
Should I have prayed harder?
Should I have been a better person?
I feel so angry and guilty at the same time.

But even in our grief, we can fully appreciate the little things in life.
We are thankful for even the short time we had with our child.
We realize how fragile and brief life can be.
We now take nothing for granted.

Help us to remember to celebrate your gifts, Lord,
however small or fragile.
Thank you for being with us in time of sadness and grief.
We look to you for strength.

*All these touching poems were read to Kaylee on the
day of her funeral.

Life is a seed
First you are planted in the ground
And the rain and the sun makes you grow
One day you begin to grow and blossom
Into this wonderful life
You serve your purpose and give fresh air
and a place to sit under to protect us from the sun
Like all good things in life they do not last
For your leaves start to fall and you become frail
And the snow starts to fall on your branches
You go to sleep
But there is a day that you begin to bloom again

What Makes a Mother

I thought of you and closed my eyes
And prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother and I know I heard him say.
A Mother has a baby This we know is true
But God can you be a Mother When your baby's not with you?
Yes, you can He replied With confidence in His voice.
I give many women babies When they leave is not their choice.
Some I send for a lifetime And others for the day.
And some I send to feel your womb
But there's no need to stay.
I just don't understand this God I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared His throat And then I saw a tear.
I wish I could show you What your child is doing today.
If you could see your child smile With other children and say....
"We go to earth to learn our lessons Of love and life and fear
My Mommy loved me oh so much
I got to come straight here
I feel so lucky to have a Mom Who had so much love for me
I learned my lessons very quickly
My Mommy set me free.
I miss my Mommy oh so much But I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep On her pillow's where I lay.
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek And whisper in her ear.
Mommy don't be sad today "I'm your baby and I'm here."
So you see my dear sweet one Your children are ok.
Your babies are here in My home And this is where they'll stay.
They'll wait for you with Me Until your lessons through.
And on the day that you come home,
they'll be at the gates for you.
So now you see What makes a Mother.
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you had so much of Right from the very start.
Though some of earth may not realize until their time is done.
Remember all the love you have
And know that you are a Special Mom!
~Author Unknown~

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