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Istwa Yè
En Kreyol Lwizian La

Click here for an online English-Louisiana Creole Vocabulary.
Updated 2/3/99

If you have any information about Louisian Creole or any written examples of the language that you would be willing to share. Please let me know.

These samples of written Louisiana Creole come from "Louisiana Creole Dialect" by James F. Broussard published in 1972 by Kennikat Press, Port Washingotn, NY.

Sa ki dromi pa pensé manje.
He who sleeps thinks not of eating.

Chyen ki japé jamen mo' de.
The yapping dog never dies.

Sila ki a ri vondi va plere somdi.
He who laughs on Friday will cry on Saturday.

Jordi pou mwen, demen pou vou.
Today for me, tomorrow for you. (Each in turn.)

Lapli, tombe, wawaron chonté.
When the rain falls, the frogs sing. (Everything succeeds naturally.)

Sa ki jwé vek chyen yè trape depise yè.
He who plays with dogs catches fleas.

Di mwen ki to lenmen, m'a di twa ki to yè.
Tell me what you love and I'll tell you what I am.

(Aesop's or ) La Fontaine's Fables

Sigal la e Froumi la
The Grasshopper and the Ants.
Sigal la té chanté tou leté,
Li té pa gen aryen,
Kann liver vini;
Pa menm en ti moso
Demouche ou en devers.
Li kouri koté Froumi, so kwasin.
Li hélé li té gen fem.
Si t'ole pret mwen en grenn
Pou viv jisk a printann.
M'apaye twa, li di,
Avan lotonn, si mo parol,
Lintere la er principal la.
Froumi la lem pa prete:
Se so sèl defo.
Sa to fè kann li tè fè cho?
Sigal la monde li.
-Tou la nwit e tou la joune
Mo tè chante, mo tè chante.
To tè chante? Mo ben consen.
Astè to ka danse, to ka danse.

Vini Jilie!
Vini, Jilie, vini; zozo ape vole,
Vini dans bwa; tou flè fleri.
Mo lenmen twa; se twa, m'ole,
Vini chè mwen dans lapleri.

Vini, Jilie, vini; la pli ape tombe,
Li fè bèn fret; n'a plen labwe,
Chimin len lwan; fò pa zongle,
Vini chè mwen dans lapleri.

Si li fè nwa, si li fè clè,
Si li fè fret, si li fè cho,
Fò pa plire, fò pa to pè,
Vini chè mwen dans lapleri.
