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Bible Trivia #1 ... the basic version

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

Psalm 119:11

Question #1

From what type of wood did Noah make the ark?

A. Cedar

B. Oak

C. Gopher

D. Maple

Question #2

What did God use to write on the wall before Belshazzar?

A. pen

B. hand

C. light

D. fire

Question #3

What did David use to slay Goliath with?

A. sword of truth

B. armor of God

C. a sling

D. word of Truth

Question #4

What were the three gifts brought to Jesus by the wise men?

A. gold, frankincense, and myrrh

B. gold, fine jewels, and silver

C. gold, silver, and coins

D. gold, crowns, and fine jewels

Question #5

How many times did Joshua and the Isrealites march around the city of Jericho?

A. 1

B. 7

C. 13

D. 20

Question #6

What caused Samson to lose his mighty strength?

A. cutting his hair

B. burning out his eyes

C. losing his faith

D. taking a bribe

Question #7

What animal did God provide for Abraham instead of sacrificing Isaac?

A. red heifer

B. ram

C. lion

D. donkey

Question #8

What will the "pure in heart" do according to Mat. 5:8?

A. reap rewards in heaven

B. see God

C. obtain salvation

D. burn brightly

Question #9

It is easier for a camel to go through this than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven according to Mk. 10:25.

A. a small vase

B. a straw

C. the pain of longsuffering

D. the eye of a needle

Question #10

How many gifts of the Spirit are there according to ICor. 12:8-10?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 9

Answers to Quiz #1
Go on to Quiz #2
