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Book Review Rating Scale

*Didn't appeal for several different reasons.
**An OK work, but was found lacking in several aspects.
***Well written and entertaining.
****An excellent work, this would make a good addition to your library.
*****WOW!! A MUST read.

This section is for use as a forum to lend personal thoughts on the various media that Christian material is found. The reviews are the personal opinion of the reporter and should be used for entertainment purposes only. After all, everyone has different likes and dislikes, views and opinions. NOTE: The Webmaster at Masters Work has the right to refuse a review or parts thereof for any reason.

What will we review?

Anything that carries a religious or Christian label: Books, Videos, Pamphlets, Tracts, Music, etc.

How often will the reviews be updated?

I hope to add reviews weekly, but until the entire site is finished, I'm not going to make promises.

Who can review this material?

If you're interested in helping review ... Email me.

My Favorite Links

Book Reviews
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