Sharon Ann's Poems, Odes, Short Stories

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was one of my first poems I have written for a very long time. I use to love to write, but things would not come to me, they seem to flow openly any more. I love to write these. I hope you will enjoy this one and all the others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You think you will be married for life

While my friend, think twice

Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to

I'm still wondering, Is there life after fifty?

Alone, afraid & wanting to begin again

It's hard

It's painful

It's sad

It's happy or is it an illusion

I tried to be happy, tried to succeed, tried to be the best I could be

Life with its twists and turns

I'm still asking, Is there life after fifty?

I wanna go forward

I wanna start again

It's hard to be alone

But doors slam shut

Man it is so rough

I'm still asking. Is there life after fifty?

Is there someone out there who wants to put up with my little idiosyncrasies?

Is their another soul who is as lonely as I?

Who knows

Who cares

Life is passing me by

I'm human

I'm emotional

I'm loving

I need someone to take care of

Someone who wants to take care of me too

Makes me still wonder, Is there life after fifty?

They say there is someone for everyone

Well then where is my soulmate

I don't want to hate

I want to love and to be loved

I want a mate to hold me late at night

To wanna be there during the good times and the bad times

To shine

To adore

To be all mine

But all I can do is to wonder, Is there life after fifty?

I ask you again my friend, Is there life after fifty?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wrote this one almost one year after the one above~~~I have come a long way Baby!

There is Life After 50

I was thrust into a life

Thought I could not exist

Divorce is so cruel, so bitter

I fought and I fought,

I tried and I tried

But then I stumbled onto my senses

I realized, hey, I was okay,

Contentment I had found

Satisfaction was there too

I had learned to love myself

Like I had wanted others to do

I found there really is life after 50!

I had my friends,

I had my family,

I had learned to love again.

Really I had never forgotten,

He made me believe I couldn't,

Oh what we allow another human being to do to

our hearts.

Thank God I woke up!

I am here to tell you I too thought it


But it can happen,

You can build a new life

You can learn to live alone and be happy

You can find pleasures in the simplest


You can give of yourself to help others,

It is amazing how you can help a friend,

How friends can help you once you allow

    them too.

And you will find it too if you look inside

your heart and find the real you!

You are special and loved by many I bet

  my life on that!

Believe me my Friend when I say there is

Life After 50!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When You Think You Can't Go On

You know some days it seems as if I wanna scream

How can I go on

How come I am alone

Why oh why me

You know all those silly thoughts we all have from time to time

Then I see something that just makes me wanna grin

It just may be a simple thing,

A rose

A butterfly

A smile from someone

An email from my bestest friend

Whatever it may be,

It brings me back to realty and I don't wanna scream any longer

I wanna smell that rose

I wanna watch that butterfly fly all around

I wanna give someone my grin

And I wanna read that special email from my bestest friend

Don't let life's disappointments get you down,

Turn that frown around

Learn to appreciate what you do have

Open your eyes, your heart to see all the goodness in this wonderful world

And most of all smile cause you never know whose life you are touching with that wonderful smile!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~Sharon Ann~~

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