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~~The Connection~~

~~~The Connection~~~

Have you known when I am with you
Can you sense my presence there
Do my thoughts drift in your window
Just to whisper how I care.

Have you woken from a bad dream
Tears streaming down your face
Then felt an arm around you..
From a very distant place

Do you know that as you're gazing
At the moon and stars above
The twinkles in the darkest night
Are bringing you my love

We've felt that strong connection
That bond right from the start
Our thoughts..our much in tune
Though lives lived worlds apart

I'll always be here for you
No matter what ~~~you know
We've come so far together
And my heart cannot let go

Life's journey holds no promise..
The path is often cold
But as you go along your way..
You'll have my hand to hold

Copyright © 1999, Ebbtide, All rights reserved.

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