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Member Exercises

Current Exercise Assignment

EXERCISE #46: It's Party Time!
Due by end of Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Let's Party!

Your assignment over the next two weeks is to write a short story, or poem, in which the focal scene is a party. It's your party and you are going to place us, the readers, right in the center of the fun, turmoil, chaos, deceit, bickering, disappointment, etc., experienced by your characters.

Is it a party you try to attend, but miss? Why? What is at jeopardy by your non-attendance?

Is it a child's birthday party?

Is it a promotion party at work for the B**** that got the position you expected?

Is it a party where you are the only guest?

Is your character responsible for planning or attending? What goes wrong? (Those who have ever been responsible for pulling together a party are well aware that 'something' always goes wrong!)

The possibilities are endless. You take it from here. Just remember that a party of some sort must be the setting and/or focus of your work.

* * * *

Submit your work as SUB: EXER:46 (Followed by the title). Crits are to be submitted as CRIT: EXER:46 (Followed by title).

Don't forget to give your submissions a "working title" to help us keep the crits straight. (Besides, you need to get into the habit of coming up with titles for your work.)

Post exercise submissions to the New Writers List at

Good Luck to All!

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