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Sherry & Max

Sherry Vaughn is a writer who loves to write about many different things. She crosses genres the way she used to cross state lines; in search of the great story. She writes murder mysteries (TRAPDOOR & THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS), Romance novels (TAPESTRY), Thrillers (GLASS HOUSE) and Children's picture books (A GIFT FOR ROO- SERIES). She was born in California but became the family gypsy, traveling the United States; meeting new people and finding new places. After years of looking for the right man, and giving up on it, she met Max. He's better known as James Maxwell Overton. He teaches at James Cook University in Queensland. They met, fell in love and are engaged to be married in July of 1999. Sherry now lives with him in Australia; fulfilling a life long dream of traveling and writing. She is a member of the Australian Writers Association, an associate editor for Romance Writers of America/Australian Chapter, a contributing editor to Suite 101 with articles she writes about other authors. Her articles have been published in Inscriptions Magazine, Suite 101 and the RWA newsletter. Her first book, TRAPDOOR, is being considered for e-publishing and her children's book, ROO, will be on the shelves next year.
Some of Sherry's favorite links are listed below.

Sherry's Favorite Links

Sherry's Suite 101 Editorial: Interviews With Authors
Sherry's Personal Writing Page
Max's Personal Science Page
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