This is a picture of my crew on a World Changers mission project in Meridian, Mississippi. It was a WONDERFUL experience, and if any of you get a chance to go on one, GO!!! You will SO regret it if you don't.
Standing from left to right: Amanda (not me), Mrs. Booth, me, Mr. Booth, Mary Sue, Ryan, Melodye, Brock, Robert "Tiny", Jon "Duncan", Cathy. Sitting from left to right: Katrina, Scott, Tom, Josh.
This is a picture of my Sunday School class who went to Mississippi. Top row: Randy, Kim (Randy's wife), Angela (my sister), Leslie, Brock Bottom row: Ashley, and Ross.
This is my buddy from Oaklahoma, Bryan, getting his ears pierced. It was REALLY funny because his mommy and daddy didn't know that he was getting this done.
This is my great buddy Ross. He's an AWESOME guy that I go to church with who has the GREATEST outlook on life. We eat a lot of SCHNOT together. It's fun. You guys should try it sometime.
This is my friend Melodye from Florida. We had a lot of fun singing together at World Changers, and she is SUCH an awesome person. I miss you, Mel!!
These are some of my other friends from Oaklahoma. From left to right: Brent, Adam, Bryan, and the really blonde haired one is Ross from my church. Miss you guys!!
These are some of my guy friends from Florida. From right to left: somebody that I don't know, Garrett (MEDIC!!!!), BJ, Scott (The OFFICIAL Water Boy), and Travis.
There are more pictures coming! Just be patient!! :o)