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A few of my friends IRL

My boyfriend Cory.......I LOVE YOU!!!

My best friend Laura. What a pal....

My great friend Troy.....he's always okay

My college roommate, Erin...God knew what he was doing when he put us together!

My really good friend Holly....miss ya, Holls! :o)

My cousin Clint and his wife Jennifer. You guys are great!

All my other friends from home: Kim, Angie, Tosha, Jenny, Derrik, Ross, Marci, Leslie, Tiffany, Carrie....the list goes on and on........

All my new friends from school: Lauren, Emily, Kelly, Amanda, Mandy, Kristie, Lori, Brad, Jesse, Leigh, Jenna, Crystal, and the other 10 billion people that I left out on both lists!

The Transy Girls

I couldn't forget my girls!!

Fatima..who REALLY likes American Music,

Jennifer, the Pop-Ice Queen;

Michelle aka Cosmo Girl;

Katie D.: sofa girl;

Katie S.: The Birthday Girl;

Kharmin, a sweet-heart; and

Julia, the crazy one.

Now, my online friends

Madelenine: She's a great listener, and a REALLY fun person.

Antisatanist: A REALLY great guy..but you can STILL buy the best CD's at Wal-Mart. j/k

Jason: Another really great guy. You're a great listener and a lot of fun to talk to. I'm still giving you your own pic. A different one, this time. :o)

Chris: A really cool guy. And I STILL say it's NOT a vibrating hippo! :o)

X-filer: A really funny guy...and he REALLY likes pez.

Blitzem: Shares my weird sense of humor.

Erik: A great guy that REALLY loves Holly. Holly, if you see this, you're all he EVER talks about.

Isabella: A really fun person to talk to. Even if she is an "Old Fogie." hehe

J.C.: Know's good roadkill when he tastes it...just like me!! *L*

Sky: A VERY cool guy. I still love ya!

Toma: A hilarious guy. He's LOADS of fun to talk to.

Starr: She wrecks cars and doesn't even have her license! Watch out for her! *L*

Katt: A really sweet girl.

Jumbo Paper Clips: Hummm...wonder if our wedding's still on....hehe

Rebel: A really nice guy that I didn't forget this time! :o)

Selfminded: A nice guy that is in about 600 different bands..but he's still cool!

JoelVolvo: A crazy internet flirt who changes his screen name about once a week! Hope I can keep up!

Yabodue: A fun guy that I just met not too long ago but he's REALLY cool..and even though he dresses like a s8r, he's not!



I didn't relize how many friends that I had till I started this home page. So it is taking me awhile to get everyone in. I am trying to get everyone and not leave anyone out. So if your name isn't here yet Please be patient I haven't forgot you, I just can't stay out of the room long enough to work on it. But I am trying!!!! Honest