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Some pictures of me and my friends

This is a picture of me and my friends from camp at Transylvania University...better known as the "Transy Girls." From left to right: Me, Michelle, Katie S., Jennifer, and Fatima.

This is another picture of the Transy Girls. Top row from left to right: Michelle, Katie D., and Julia. Bottom row from left to right: Katie S., Jennifer, Fatima, and me.

This is a picture of my grandpa who passed away in February. I miss you, Grandpa!

Okay, I know. I hate being depressing, but this is my nephew Logan who passed away at 31 days of SIDS. I never got to meet him, but I love him just the same.

On a happier note, this is my nephew, Blake, who is 3 in this picture, but he's 4 now. He's a cutie!!!

Okay...don't flip out on me. I know this may be scary, but I think you may be able to handle it. If you have a weak stomach, are pregnate, or experience heart trouble, I would seriously recommend that you go no farther. Just hit your browser's back button and all will be well. Here are my senior pictures (4 of them, anyway).

Later on, I hope to add some more pictures to this page. It's still under construction, as is the rest of my page. I hope these pictures at least give you an idea of what I look like and of who some of the people are on my friends list.

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