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Story Of This Site

To get the new stories which Totodile is in go here, Totodile has his own stories.

!!Updated August 8 2000!! Part 10

(I know there might be some mispelled words and all but I try to find them and fix them, I know there are a few left)

Once Upon a time there was a level 20 Squirtle, he did once have a trainer but had gotten furious with him and dashed away from his trainer leaving him. After a few days in the wild he had made a special TM, untested and not known to work, Squirtle used it on himself, he turned into a bright colored Jigglypuff. The TM was not known to what would happen after the transformation, to make things worse scientest caught the Jigglypuff and experimented with him for 13 days, scienctest found out that the Jigglypuff was not as normal as they thought. Before they could find out more Jigglypuff had gotten mad and gotten angered, he glowed golden and blasted out of the building, no trace of Jigglypuff was found, He swam to a near town that was Viridian City, he rested there and decided to nickname himself "Pocket". Five Pikachu's and their leader, Raichu decided to beat up Jigglypuff. Weakened and dizzy he stumbled into a trainer, the trainer caught Jigglypuff. He trained him, although he didn't know that Jigglypuff wasn't all that normal, Jigglypuff then went over alot of evolutions and moves a whole lot. The trainer was getting mad so Jigglypuff decided to evolve into one last strong Pokémon, it was hard but he transformed and evolved at the same time turning himself into JigglyRainbow, the shiny Pokémon. Not as friendly as you think, this Pokémon grew up to be pretty mean but friendly in ways. JigglyRainbow ate a weird Pokémon potion one day and made himself evolve, he nicknamed himself JigglyRainbow after that evolution not to make his trainer mad. He was a JigglyRainbow with brighter more glowing colors.

Part 2

After that there was pretty much a peaceful time with Ultia JigglyRainbow and his Trainer. Things weren't over yet as it seemed, JigglyRainbow and the Trainer argued, JigglyRainbow left and trained none stop for as long as he could lasting about 2 days, where he had trained looked like a war had taken place, trees were split in half, the ground was crackled up and grass looked like it had gotten into a fight with a Pinsir. He had then become a Fighting Machine,He had grown to level 60 but still with cute attitudes. He's not your normal Jigglypuff...

Part 3

Not a big deal, JigglyRainbow went underground for the winter and is having a good time with the dugtrios and digglets playing tag, while the trainer is doing his own stuff. JigglyRainbow mad himself a tunnel and a big circle nest underground for sleeping. He took a long sleep.

Part 4

JigglyRainbow has had fun playing tag with Digglets and Dugtrios along with Caterpies scouting the ground...but he has left the underground parts, He is now training extremely to win any battle that may come against him...he hopes he can get even more Stronger! You can now see him rarely in the Pokémon chats at Pokemon Forest, Baby Pokemon Daycare,Pokemon Center, and Pokemon Bar, along with Pokemon Temple and Pokemon Beach.JigglyRainbow is starting a Journey, getting items and getting stronger, lets hope to get much more on this story! Maybe randomly for weeks or months till Part 5 comes...

**Part 5**

JigglyRainbow is starting a new way of life, stop being such a pest in ways, now he is acting himself finally, There is a new version of him...JigglyRainbow as a cuter look and attitude Details: Carries a Teddy, Has big eyes and Rainbow colors on him, Cuter Jigglypuff with more boy voice, Carries a Fighter sword for Protection. Moves:Thunderbolt,Bonerang.
Status for JigglyRainbow Now: Confused and Happy
Hangs out at Pokemon Forest,Pokemon Center, Sometimes rarely at Pokemon Bar, Pokemon Beach, and Pokemon Temple. Is looking for a Partner Pokémon to go on Adventures with.
Items JigglyRainbow has:
Sword-Used for protection.
Teddy-Used to hit enemy sometimes.
Running shoes-The blue sneakers increase speed and defense for feet.
Bag-Power seeds are in this bag, it contains a type of fruit in them.

\Part 6/
Lately JigglyRainbow had discovered a new technic, Once he reached his full 100% of power his body turned dark blue while his tail and eyes turned silver and glows light blue around him. Living out of the ground since it was getting warmed up. He lives out in the thick dark Pokemon forest under a secret tunnel with Big leaves and rock to keep him warm. Which he now knows SolarBeam,Bonerang, and Thunderbolt. At the end of JigglyRainbow's tail is a seed,once it grows, it is said to become a Blue flower to use for something.

::Part 7::
It was a nice day, it was sunny, cloudy in some places, just the right temperature to wake up on. Jigglyrainbow put the leaves he covered up with aside, and started on a walk over the tall glossy grass that shed over the forest. Not knowing what time would tell while he walked along the forest trying to search for fun. He saw a curious looking Marril looking at him, JigglyRainbow yelped with suprisement. It was a Silver Marril! JigglyRainbow could sense the evil forces, The Silver Marril bursted out with power and slammed JigglyRainbow into the ground. JigglyRainbow was furious, he powered up with anger. He got full 100% power in no time at all, His body turned totally dark blue and eyes and tail turned light silver. The seed that was on his tail seemed to grow greatly with such energy and power JigglyRainbow had gotten by getting 100% of his power, the flower turned light blue and made JigglyRainbow learn a new move, Petal dance. Not a great move but it was worth it. The Silver Marril had some few tricks too, He seemed to have more power than JigglyRainbow thought, The Silver Marril slowly changed to a Golden Marril, the Marril had gotten tougher, almost turning metal he was so tough. JigglyRainbow was furious that he glowed an even higher glow of power that was more white than light blue, JigglyRainbow was mad. The Golden Marril was not so happy either. They blasted out off the ground and started making a huge fight around the forest, they both were hyper, Golden Marril pounded JigglyRainbow in the face with his 2x stronger move of Mega Punch. JigglyRainbow disappeared and appeared Slamming Golden Marril down to the ground with tremendous power, Golden Marril had gotten metal chipped off his tail a little thanks to JigglyRainbow hitting him into the ground. He was not happy after that. The Golden Marril blasted at JigglyRainbow and shot two hyper beams at JigglyRainbow. The smoke filled around JigglyRainbow. Golden Marril couldn't tell if he had defeated JigglyRainbow or not, The smoke cleared and JigglyRainbow appeared to be in a damaged condition. JigglyRainbow spoke in Pokémon language saying "This fight is pointless! either forget it or we will see who's super beam will defeat who!". Golden Marril wouldn't leave so they begun the great power making beam. JigglyRainbow flashed and cupped his hands making a huge ball between his hands, Golden Marril cupped his hands and made a huge ball between his hands too. They made there power balls get powerful for 10 minutes then shot the balls at each other which the power balls turned into beams, the beams clashed together, Golden Marril was winning, JigglyRainbow knew this could damage him severely but he did it quick, He made his power twice as powerful. Golden Marril's eyes widened. JigglyRainbow's beam got huge and stronger and blasted Golden Marril out of sight fainting him badly. JigglyRainbow won the fight, he lowered his power and energy down fast so he didn't hurt himself with all of his power. He was tired out and the Sunny sky turned dark as the night began. All he could do is restore his land and heal. He walked back to his house and took a good sleep. Although for the Golden Marril who soon lowered his power and energy turning silver again, fell from the sky and slamming into the forest. Marril knew good and well that was no ordinary Jigglypuff. He walked away from the forest and thought for a long time about what JigglyRainbow said about how the fight was pointless. He soon turned good and was nice for the rest of his life.
--The End for Part 7--

..Part 8..

Healed and strengthened from the last battle he was stronger than ever, he had forgotten how fun it was to have a Pokémon free for all battle. After the fight he had built a twice as strong little house in the jungle and planted power seeds to keep him hidden in the jungle, they grew up fast and were huge trees, a mix of palm trees with blue flowers. His moves are now ThunderBolt,Bonerang,Solarbeam, and Petal Dance. His other moves for such cases were his Ultra beam with a unknown name, his tail slam with his tail slams the challenger into the ground, and his Hyper strength which if his power level is 1,000 you could say it gets twice as strong and gets to 2,000. His items are 5 blue Poke-balls, His upgraded sword which has a a blue tip at the end, and his stuffed teddy which he drags around, he uses it to slam people into walls. ^_^

-Part 9- (Marril's Revenge)

After JigglyRainbow had gotten his strength back and Marril was nicer than ever, something still told Silver Marril to take revenge on JigglyRainbow. Even though Silver Marril was nice, things had got to go. JigglyRainbow had increased greatly and Marril hadn't, though Marril had more in store than ever thought! JigglyRainbow and the Silver Marril met in the same field, they spoke, JigglyRainbow said “Why do you want to fight me even though you've lost you Silver blimp!”. The Silver Marril was stunned with anger, Marril said “Even though you won last time, you haven't seen all of my power!”. JIgglyRainbow said “Are you kidding? Remember? You turned into a Golden Mouse!” Marril didn't say a word after that, he made himself concentrate on power and transformed into a mad Golden Marril, after that he led his new transformation on, He soon turned clear gold then transformed into a Diamond clear Marril with his body as hard as steel. JigglyRainbow then transformed into his most powerful form that was more powerful after the last fight, getting his full 100% of power this time he did something new. He turned Dark blue and his eyes and tail turned dark silver while he glowed a more light of light blue, but then wind swirled around him and his body turned black and dark blue swirl. He glowed Light blue and had silver eyes and tail but he had swirls of black and dark blue on him. Now he was powerful and so was the Marril. Marril disappeared then appeared slamming JigglyRainbow 50 feet into the ground, JigglyRainnow shot a beam out of the hole he was in and made the Diamond Marril think it was JigglyRainbow, Marril dashed off at the power beam and jumped into it still thinking it was JigglyRainbow, he thought wrong and rammed himself with the beam, JigglyRainbow had the advantage and slammed Diamond Marril into the ground then threw him up into the air and uppercut him big time, and did flips and flips as he was slammed further into the air JigglyRainbow shot a blue beam at him that was very powerful, Diamond Marril didn’t see it and was crumbled by it, he fell to the ground, he had cracks all around him, He was breathing as fast as he could to catch his breath, JigglyRainbow slammed Marril hard without notice, then uppercutted him 3 times as strong than the last, Marril’s cracks were deeper then, JigglyRainbow had a little cut but that was all, Marril had saved up a lot of energy, JigglyRainbow walked to Marril saying give up and then Marril shot a beamed with his two hands that was twice as powerful than the beam that defeated him in the last fight. JigglyRainbow was getting beaten up by the beam it made him get dizzy. JigglyRainbow powered up his most Ultra Beam, so did Marril, this time Marril was sure he would beat JigglyRainbow, they powered up with a glow and began making power balls in there hands after 30 minutes they shot their beams at each other, the ground came up from such powerful beams, the beams clashed with a crackle and a boom, Marril was winning slowly, but then JigglyRainbow was winning slowly, Then JigglyRainbow got the strength to made his beam twice as powerful, before the power hit Marril, Marril made his beam 3 times powerful. JigglyRainbow’s muscles hurt, they both weren't giving up yet. JigglyRainbow made his beam 3 times powerful and almost 4. JigglyRainbow felt like he was going to split but managed to do it, Marril went along with the power. Right then his Diamond body absorbed the energy while he stopped the beam, all of the power that was shot went into Marril’s body. he then shot a new beam at JigglyRainbow that was 20 times powerful because of the mixes of power, the whole forest crumbled up while JigglyRainbow was being twisted and pounded with the beam, his adventure hat fell off and his backpack had gotten ripped off. JigglyRainbow slammed into the ground. Marill said with happiness he won, he did a little dance and made fun of JigglyRainbow, he ran to JigglyRainbow saying he beat him, he made funny faces at JigglyRainbow, JigglyRainbow opened his eyes saying “WHAT DID YOU SAY!”. JigglyRainbow was mad. JigglyRainbow beamed Marril in the chest and cut his diamond body in half, the diamond parts slipped to the ground, they snapped back together since Marril had more power than before, JigglyRainbow slammed Marril then shot his 60 times more powerful beam since he healed himself, the types of power that was put into him when he was Jigglypuff gave him the ability to make his power swarm up high fast if angered. JigglyRainbow’s beam turned completely dark blue with yellow swirls around it, the beamed flashed when hitting Marril so bright it made the trees shake. JigglyRainbow was put with anger towards Marril and made his beam 70 times stronger and then 75 times stronger Marril was shaking all around from the beam and cracks formed all around his diamond body, JigglyRainbow stopped his beam, Marril had just stood there and then fell to his knees then fell to the ground. JigglyRainbow said bye and walked over there slowly, got out his giant teddy,and slammed Marril way out of sight. Marril slammed into another part of the forest and said with happiness “Even though I lost, I learned a valuable lesson, Never get an Angered JigglyRainbow even more mad.” JigglyRainbow went to his little house and took a long rest. After about four days he awoke, he ate a lot and felt two times stronger than before the fight, he was getting stronger indeed, what can we expect next?

Part 9

JigglyRainbow's backpack and other stuff were torn from the two battles, he decided to improve them,after a few hours he had made his items and materials better. He put his Improved little backpack on him and his good adventure hat on him. He then improved his house, and planted power seeds which covered the house when they grew. He then made his sword look better, also making it stronger. The Sword had a dark blue tip at the end of it and dark blue for the holding grip of it. Somehow in the super battle JigglyRainbow had lost his tail, but he didn't mind. Marril was no threat to him for a while.

_Part 10_ (Final Take out)

JigglyRainbow and a Totodile got in a fight one day, Totodile was faster and smashed JigglyRainbow into a tree then blasted him with bubblebeam. JigglyRainbow could since how strong this Totodile was, JigglyRainbow was actually scared! 20 JigglyRainbow came out of the forest and surrounded Totodile. Totodile closed his eyes and shot a huge "Surf" move at all the JigglyRainbows. Totodile mega punched all of them and destroyed all of them, except the main JigglyRainbow. JigglyRainbow turned into his Super form 100% and still was no match for Totodile!
Totodile was still about 10% more powerful than JigglyRainbow, finally, a Pokémon that could take out JigglyRainbow, JigglyRainbow gave it everything he had and charged at Totodile shooting a huge Hyper beam. Totodile jumped in it and exploded it. Totodile shot a huge Bubblebeam. JigglyRainbow knocked it away. Both Pokémon seemed to be getting stronger. JigglyRainbow had gotten 50% stronger, no one would have thought that this would have happened. A one of a kind Pokémon can be quite a fight. Totodile shot a huge bubblebeam at JigglyRainbow again and split it into 5...JigglyRainbow dodged them and jumped on Totodile twisting Totodile's arm. JigglyRainbow Mega Punched Totodile into 5 trees. JigglyRainbow turned into his second form of Super and shoot a huge Hyper beam at Totodile. Totodile disappeared, then blasted JigglyRainbow behind his back and destroyed him(!!!!!!!!!!). That was it, No JigglyRainbow. Totodile soon took over the site and now is making it alot better.
-The End-

JigglyRainbow is almost one year old we think, but is this true? Hmmm, it seems March 1999 was when I started this site, so I would guess he is one year old.

That is all for now, try comming back every month or two to see what happened!