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Pokemon Pinball Guide

This Guide is if you lost you manual with the game...

Where Pokemon are

Red Pinball Machine
Pallet Town:
Charmander, Rattata, Nidoran (M), and Poliwag.

Viridan Forest:
Weedle, Pidgey, and Pikachu.

Pewter City:
Spearow, Jigglypuff, Ekans, and Magikarp.

Cerulean City:
Oddish, Mankey, Jynx, and Abra.

Vermilion City Seaside:
Shellder, Krabby, Ekans, and Farfetch'D.

Rock Mountain:
Voltorb, Diglett,and Mr.Mime.

Lavender Town:
Gastly, Magnemite, Cubone, and Electabuzz.

Cycling Road:
Spearow, Doduo, Lickitung, and Snorlax.

Safari Zone:
Paras, Rhyhorn, and Chansey.

Seafoam Islands:
Horsea, Staryu, Seel, and (Articuno?).

Cinnabar Island:
Ponyta, Growlithe, Omanyte, and Kabuto.

Indigo Plateau:
Machop, Onix, and Ditto.

Blue Pinball Machine

Viridan City:
Squirtle, Nidoran (M), and Bulbasaur.

Viridian Forest:
Caterpie, Rattata, and Pikachu. Mt.Moon: Zubat, Paras, & Clefairy.

Cerulean City:
Bellsprout, Meowth, Jynx, and Abra.

Vermilion City Streets:
Shellder, Krabby, Farfetch'D, & Sandshrew.

Rock Mountain:
Diglet, Voltorbe, and Mr.Mime.

Celadon City:
Mankey, Meowth, Eevee, and Porygon.

Fuchsia City:
Magikarp, Goldeen, Kangashan, and Exeggcute.

Safari Zone:
Doduo, Nidoran (F), and Chansey.

Saffron City:
Ekans, Sandshrew, Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee.

Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Koffing, Aerodactyl, and Magmar.

Indingo Plateau:
Geodude, Ditto, Moltres, and Mewtwo

Note: There are more Pokémon in each area but those are the ones you will find most often.

Use the d-pad left to use the left flipper, and the A button for thr right.

Use select to bounce the ball back up when it goes down below the shocking Pikachu do it at the right time or it will go to far down and lose a little Poke-Ball :(
Thats really all the controls are about...

How do you get too the other Towns and cities?
In the Red version,hit the Digglet on the right side or the left, hit it three times and and screen will appear saying HURRY UP!, you will see blinkinb triangles somewhere(Its hard to see 'em),follow one of the triangles then the screen that said HURRY UP will say NEXT try to go in the hole what opens up and you will do a map move,Do that THREE times and you will go to a new level,DO THAT 2 more times and you will go to INDIGO PLATEAU!

How do you do the thing above in the blue version?

Do the same thing above, except hit the Psyduck on the right or the Poliwag on the left...

I wonder if Im leaving any info out you SHOULD KNOW..