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The Pokemon Yellow Guide

Guide by:

3 Things good about Pokemon Yellow.
It follows the TV show meaning Pikachu doesn't go in his Pokeball and you get to face Jesse and James.
The Pictures of all the Pokemon are redone
PLUS its just fun to play!!!!

Beggening of the Game: start off in your house like walk out of the door and go in the feilds..Prof.Oak comes to you says all the stuff about wild Pokemon then you get attacked by a Pikachu and Prof.Oak Catches it and takes you to his lab...there is one Pokeball on his desk this time and Gary does not have a Poké click on the Pokeball and Gary will come over and push you aside and take will be an Eevee...then you talk to Oak and he'll give you Pikachu then you try and walk out it will be the same Gary wants to battle...that ends the Pallet town part

(Kyu Info) --> How do we know if Gary is gonna turn his Eevee into a Flareon,Vaporeon,or Jolteon? Find out in this white tex block...

Viridian and Pewter City:
OK you go to Viridian, get the parcel, take it to Oak, get your Pokedex, buy the Pokeballs, catch some Pokemon and your all set for Pewter City! that was easy wasn't it? may i suggest if you have the yellow version get a Metapod or Caterpie and evolve it to Butterfree before going to Brock because as soon as you evolve it to Butterfree it learns Butterfree would be your main Pokemon against Brock.

After you beat Brock,get bind, and face all the trainers by Mount. Moon...restock on Pokeballs then enter Mount. Moon and explore for a Clefairy and any other Pokemon that you like and should be in that area...And Mount. Moon has no new things in get through it the same way in Red & Blue...anyway, this is a good time to train Pikachu to a high Level so it can face Misty...and yes she has the same Pokemon like always...but redone pictures..after your done with Mount. Moon get a Sandshrew next to it just for Lt.Surge..and a Digglet might come in handy..but I'll talk about that later.

Curulean City:
OK to the Gym face Misty..of course her line up is Staryu and Starmie so you should be prepared...defeat her get the Badge and the TM for Bubble Beam then head to Bill's cottage...along the way you must fight Nugget Bridge..after you defeat the guy with the nugget up ahead is a man that is not there in the red or blue..he will ask you somthing..don't panic if you say yes cuz if you did you will get a very good reward, it'll ask if you want to give your gift a nickname...look at its picture and it turns out to be....Charmander! ...this proves you can not catch Charmander, Bulbasaur,or Squirtle in the wild cuz i have Charizard and Squirtle right now still looking for Bulbasaur and i got both from people..ok after that get to bill he gives you the ticket..go through the house the police was infront of beat the Rocket member then go to Vermilion

Vermilion City:
Now for all you water Pokemon lovers..this is where you get the most popular water Pokemon! Yup...Squirtle! If you talk to a police man he will ask you if you want a Pokemon,you look at it and it will Be Squirtle....! If you want the Water Pokemon Squirtle beat Lt.Surge and then go to the lady again and get your cute Squirtle! OK this is a good place to get cut...if you do not wanna have the SS Anne leave then get out a weak Pokemon after you beat Gary, get Cut, then lose to a trainer on board..i don't think the SS Anne will leave..teach Cut to one of your Pokemon..catch a Digglet or if you have luck Dugtrio would be even better..take it to the gym..find the 2 locks..and with ground Pokemon I wouldn't have to Explain what to do..Lt. Surge only has a Raichu at Lv. 28 so this time it will be easier to beat him..rather then facing his Pikachu, Voltorb, and Raichu like in the Red Or Blue...and don't try and trade anyone for a Farfetch'd because it is not gonna work...Farfetch'd can be caught in the wild below Lavender town..after your done with that go through rock tunnle..then you will end up right above Lavender Town.

Some spelling is not correct starting here...

Lavender Town:
Ok I shouldn't have to explain this..take the path to the Drink..go down in the game corner and get the silph scope like usual..go back to Lavender...catch a Gastly and if your lucky a Haunter...get up to Mr. Fuji..face Jesse and James instead of the 5 Rockets...beat them get the Pokefulte and you will be all set for Fushia...but before that...beat Erika of the Celedon City Gym!

Saffron City:
After all that you might wanna take a trip to Saffron City..beat the Dojo Gym and choose between Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee...i personally think Hitmonchan is better because of his Comet,Fire,Ice,and Thunder is Silph Co. (this is a breif explination..i do not actually explain how to get through these things) beat Silph Co. get Lapras and the Master Ball..then go to the REAL Gym and beat Sabrina's Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam...she does not use Mr.Mime or Venomoth anymore

Fuchsia City:
Ok...Fuchsia City..i suggest you visit the Safari Zone before you explore the town..catch some needed Pokemon...get Surf...get the Gold Teeth and bring them to the old man, teach Surf to Lapras or any other water Pokemon that is allowed to learn it..go the yellow version by the sea leading to Sea Foam Islands there is a house with a man and his Pikachu in it..i do not know what it is so don't even ask..and Beat Koga to get the Badge for Surf

**Hasn't been explored** Got to Cinnabar by surfing down from Pallet

ok..go to the place where you get your fossils made real..they will come in handy against Blain..go to the Mansion..catch a Growlithe, Grimer, Muk, and all the others that are there..Rattata and Raticate are at extreamly high should catch them..after that get the key to the gym and walk in the gym..go up..instead of the trainer wanting to fight the machine behind him to open the door...from then on do the same..after the first trainer all the trainers, when you press the machine, will fight you to let you go on to the next room..after you get to Blain he will use Arcanine, Rapidash..and i forgot...I am not sure but i think he uses Ninetales..well it doesn't matter as long as you have a high level Pokemon on your side..after Blain has been defeted go back to Viridian City and go to the Gym.

Viridian City Gym: Ok the last Gym battle, Giovanni of Team Rocket has a range of Lv.40 to 50 Pokémon..anyway I beat him with my Charizard and Kingler so it isn't that hard Pokemon Indigo Platue: It's been explored and its been claimed the same except Gary uses his last Pokemon Jolteon,Flareon,or Vaporeon since he got Eevee instead of Charmander,Squirtle,or Bulbasaur

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To be updated more!