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Pokemon Gameshark Code Section

All the 151 pokemon codes- enter 01- -D8CF
the - - is for the numbers of this thing below of what pokemon you want

99 Bulbasaur
09 Ivysaur
9A Venusaur
B0 Charmander
B2 Charmeleon
B4 Charizard
B1 Squirtle
B3 Wartortle
1C Blastoise
7B Caterpie
7C Metapod
7D Butterfree
70 Weedle
71 Kakuna
72 Beedrill
24 Pidgey
96 Pidgeotto
97 Pidgeot
A5 Rattata
A6 Raticate
05 Spearow
23 Frearow
6C Ekans
2D Arbok
54 Pikachu
55 Raichu
60 Sandshrew
61 Sandslash
0F Nidoran(f)
A8 Nindorina
10 NidoQueen
03 Nidoran(m)
A7 Nindorino
07 NidoKing
04 Clefairy
8E Clefable
52 Vulpix
53 Ninetails
64 Jigglypuff
65 Wigglytuff
6B Zubat
82 Golbat
B9 Oddish
BA Gloom
BB Vileplume
6D Paras
2E Parasect
41 Venonat
77 Venomoth
3B Diglett
76 Dugtrio
4D Meowth
90 Persian
2F Psyduck
80 Goldduck
34 Mankey
75 Primeape
21 Growlithe
14 Arcanine
47 Poliwag
6E Poliwhirl
6F Poliwrath
94 Abra
26 Kadabra
95 Alakazam
6A Machop
29 Machoke
7E Machamp
BC Bellsprout
BD Weepinbell
BE Victreebell
18 Tentacool
9B Tentacruel
A9 Geodude
27 Graveler
31 Golem
A3 Ponyta
A4 Rapidash
25 Slowpoke
08 Slobro
AD Magnemite
36 Magneton
40 Farfetch'd
46 Doduo
74 Dodrio
3A Seel
78 Dewgong
0D Grimer
88 Muk
17 Shellder
8B Cloyster
19 Gastly
93 Haunter
0E Gengar
22 Onix
30 Drowzee
81 Hypno
4E Krabby
8A Kingler
06 Voltorb
8D Electrode
0C Exeggcute
0A Exeggutor
11 Cubone
91 Marowak
2B Hitmonlee
2C Hitmonchan
0B Lickitung
37 Koffing
8F Weezing
12 Rhyhorn
01 Rhydon
28 Chansey
1E Tangela
02 Kangaskhan
5C Horsea
5D Seadra
9D Goldeen
9E Seaking
1B Staryu
98 Starmie
2A Mr. Mime
1A Scyther
48 Jynx
35 Electabuzz
33 Magmar 1D Pinsir
3C Tauros
85 Magikarp
16 Gyarados
13 Lapras
4C Ditto
66 Eevee
69 Vaporeon
68 Jolteon
67 Flareon
AA Porygon
62 Omanite
63 Omastar
5A Kabuto
5B Kabutops
AB Aerodactyl
84 Snorlax
4A Articuro
4B Zapdos
49 Moltres
58 Dratini
59 Dragonair
42 Dragonite
83 Mewtwo
15 Mew

Fight any Pokemon at any of these level-type in the codes below
Lv.5 010527d1
Lv.10 010a27d1
Lv.15 010f27d1
Lv.20 011427d1
Lv.30 011e27d1
Lv.40 012827d1
Lv.50 013227d1
Lv.75 014b27d1
Lv.99 016327d1

Gameshark Tm and Hm codes

**You buy the tm's and hm's** 1st Slot- 01- -7CCF
2nd Slot -01- -7DCF
3rd Slot- 01- -7ECF
4th Slot- 01- -7FCF

C4 - HM01 - Cut
C5 - HM02 - Fly
C6- HM03- Surf
C7 -HM04- Strength
C8- HM05- Flash
C9- TM01- Mega Punch
CA- TM02- Razor Wind
CB- TM03- Swords Dance
CC -TM04 -Whirlwind
CD -TM05- Mega Kick
CE -TM06- Toxic
CF- TM07 -Horn Drill
D0- TM08- Body Slam
D1- TM09 -Take Down
D2- TM10- Double Edge
D3- TM11- Double Beam
D4- TM12- Watergun
D5- TM13- Ice Beam
D6 -TM14 -Blizzard
D7 -TM15- Hyperbeam
D8 -TM16- PayDay
D9 -TM17 -Submission
DA- TM18 -Counter
DB- TM19- Seismic Toss
DC- TM20 -Rage
DD- TM21- Mega Drain
DE- TM22- Solar Beam
DF -TM23- Dragon Rage
E0 -TM24 -Thunderbolt
E1 -TM25- Thunder
E2 -TM26 -Earthquake
E3 -TM27- Fissure
E4- TM28 -Dig
E5 -TM29- Psychic
E6 -TM30 -Teleport
E7 -TM31 -Mimic
E8 -TM32- Double Team
E9 -TM33- Reflect
EA -TM34- Bide
EB -TM35- Metronome
EC- TM36 -Self-Destruct
ED -TM37- Egg Bomb
EE -TM38- Fire Blast
EF -TM39- Swift
F0 -TM40- Skull Blast
F1 -TM41- Soft Boiled
F2- TM42- Dream Eater
F3 -TM43- Sky Attack
F4 -TM44- Rest
F5 -TM45- Thunder Wave
F6 -TM46- Psywave
F7 -TM47- Exposion
F8- TM48 -Rock Slide
F9- TM49- Tri-Attack
FA- TM50- Substitute

FB -HM01- Cut
FC- HM02- Fly
FD -HM03- Surf
FE- HM04 -Strength
FF- HM05- Flash

New cheats I discovered while trying to find more GameShark cheats-

In each of these codes this is the following things you do: type the code in and look at your top pokemon in your six list Codes

01E264D1 No.245





02DE64D1 the scary Poke-ball (You gotta check this out)


The base code is 01XX09c1. FF-Ash.
BD-Old man Laying down
9B-Person in the Water
8B-Prof.Oak side ways
CC-Garys back 29-Boy sideways E8-Girls back with hair
figure out other if you would like,e-mail them to me if you wold like too

Glitched Gameshark Codes

I am Learning to be a hacker for Gameshark codes, here are some...

Mess up the map and ash's walking, moon walking style?