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Here's information about the rare Totodile...

He was not born in a happy pokémon land area, he was born in a deserted city with no one to help him, he traveled and traveled and lost more and more water. He fainted in a desert, a Pidgeot soon found him and was about to eat him, An army of Totodile charged towards the Pidgeot making him fly away. The Totodile army nursed the baby Totodile back to health and explained...

"We were in a battle against Bulbasaur, we defeated them and rushed back to see you but you were gone, we tracked your footsteps and got to you just in time before the Pidgeot got you."

Baby Totodile fell asleep early that night, that night Totodile were rammed with Bulbasaur and Venusaur as they got their revenge on the Totodile. Totodile threw Baby Totodile super speeds far away from the battle, that night all the Totodile were defeated and were prisoners.

The baby Totodile woke up in a forest with alot of dead trees. He found a city and got food there. He soon got into a live Pokémon forest and lived there, he is now still living there, he found a trainer named Goten and Totodile's power has increased greatly after being with him. He is now level 32 and has decided not to evolve yet.

Name: Totodile (Nickname: Pocket)
Number: 158
Height: 1 foot
Weight: 2 ounces
Level: 20
Race: Pokémon, part Saiya-jin but looks like a normal Totodile but a little different for height and weight.
Wild: NO
Has Trainer: YES
Is in Team Rocket: NO

More info

This Totodile is very rare because of it's Saiya-jin blood and intense battling power, he is sometimes scared to show his power because might get in the way.