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Totodile Stories

Totodile Begins

After defeating JigglyRainbow, Totodile set out on the JigglyRainbow grounds, he is destroying all of the JigglyRainbow stuff and making Totodile stuff, Totodile knows about the Pokémon gold & silver world well, that is why he made a place for Gold and Silver. As you probably don't know mostly about Totodile, click here to see what he is about. Here is some stuff Totodile didn't add in his little Totodile page, his power level is 600, since he is level 10 that about evens it out. When he does reach his full power, 600. His tail glows white and he is faster than usual, about 1.5 times faster.

Totodile fights what!?

Totodile was about to move a few more useless JigglyRainbow items, then it started to get very windy around the new Totodile grounds got very very VERY windy. Some high windy voice says "You...Will...Pay....". Right then a horrible thunderstorm struck, Totodile went down underground, to his 2nd floor Totodile grounds. He ran through one tunnel then the other, a windy high voice spoke again... "You...Will...Die.....". Something broke a pipe that makes the Totodile grounds power. A blast of fire shot out of the pipe and a hole line of fire blasted towards Totodile, Totodile knew this was gonna explode everything he had fixed and redone, even smash the Totodile grounds, he thought of something quick and fired a huge bubblebeam through the tunnel. The tunnel was drenched with was and the fire had gone out. Totodile soon fixed the pipe and put a thick layer of metal on it to secure it. Totodile got out of the underground part and got back up on the outside part of the Totodile grounds, the thunderstorm had slowed down and was raining a little, the thunder and lightning had stopped. Nothing had been damaged, Totodile said "Show yourself NOW!!!!!". It started to get windy and a figure appeared on the ground, it was a white clear JigglyRainbow. The figure shot a skinny but powerful line at Totodile, it hit him and he flew and smashed into a rock. Totodile mega punched him but it didn't even hurt him a bit. Totodile knew his weakness and very fast started repeatedly punching the ground over and over. After five seconds an earthquake had sprung and the ghost JigglyRainbow had fainted. Totodile got rid of him and fixed everything and went down to the 3rd floor of the Totodile grounds and slept.

Done Job, More troubles

Totodile had finished moving the last JigglyRainbow item when he found a small Pokémon egg it was a JigglyRainbow egg!!! One of the JigglyRainbows had left one egg. It was Poka-dotted rainbow colors and was metallic. After Totodile analyzed it, it turned out to be a new type of JigglyRainbow, It would be metallic with lines of colors on it. Totodile didn't know either to keep it or destroy it. On the screen a new message popped up, it said "This is a highly dangerous Pokémon, very aggressive and naughty. Once it grows up it could become one of the strongest and fastest Pokémon in the world!". Totodile soon took a pill and he had one hyperbeam to use. Totodile shot the beam. The egg was hit and it look like it had exploded, when the smoke cleared, the egg was open and there the aggressive baby JigglyRainbow was sitting.
The JigglyRainbow was wondering why no other JigglyRainbow were around him except a Totodile. He had a feature in him which he could read the past. He found out what was going on and decided to duplicate himself five times then self-destruct totally exploding the whole Totodile Grounds.
(In case you are wondering what this new JigglyRainbow stats are, look below)
PKMN Level: 10
So called PKMN power: 5,000
Galaxy blast
(That was it :) )
The JigglyRainbow had a better idea, after the other 5 JigglyRainbow ran out of the Totodile grounds to wreak havoc among trainers and pokémon, the real JigglyRainbow shot a Galaxy blast at Totodile
(Galaxy Blast - A bad accuracy type of move, trillions of mini beams fly to where the pokémon shoots it, it lasts for 5 seconds then stops, a pokémon has to recharge, even one mini beam does a bundle of damage!)
Totodile shot a huge Hydro Pump straight at JigglyRainbow before he could shoot his Galaxy Blast. JigglyRainbow was knocked unconscious for a while then got back up, firing his Galaxy blast fast at Totodile, but Totodile had already gotten behind the JigglyRainbow, Totodile then fired a huge hyperbeam (Totodile took one more pill to have a Hyper Beam) at JigglyRainbow. JigglyRainbow faded away getting destroyed. Totodile still had 5 more cloned JigglyRainbow to destroy. He copied JigglyRainbow's Galaxy Blast and made it into a mini beam, beam of accuracy splitting up into five beams, homing into all 5 JigglyRainbow destroying them all. Totodile had to make a chemical to make that move, and transferred it into a Move pill, it will give a Pokémon one chance of that move he doesn't have. They are heavily kept a secret and put secure into the Totodile Grounds. Totodile's saw the sun go down and the moon raising up. A big day it was.

No need for more troubles!

Totodile was walking around his grounds, he spotted a flock of Tauros on one in of the grounds and a pack of Ivysaur tackling a pack of Pichus! Totodile was so happy, he finally had something to do! He made a random pick and made a pick to help the Pichus. Totodile kicked a Ivysaur ut of his way and quickly said that he would help the Pichus, the Ivysuar were made and started making strange noises, Totodile saw a Venusaur crawl out of the Jungle, Totodile quickly fainted 3 Ivysaur with Earthquake and 2 more with another Earthquake, there were "9" Ivysaur and "11" Pichus and "3" leaders, The Pichu leader which was actually a Pikachu,the second leader was Totodile, and the third, the Ivysaur leader, which is actually a Venusaur. Totodile was helping the Pichu group. The Venusaur started taking in energy, the Ivysaur did to! The Pichu started charging up for a Thunderbolt, and the leader Pikachu was charging up for a Thunder attack! Totodile was concentrated to aim a great shot with his Hyperbeam! The Ivysaur and Venusaur leader shot a giant Solar Beam at the Pichu,Pikachu, and Totodile. Totodile shot his Hyperbeam. All the Pichu shot their Thunderbolts creating a strong reaction to the weather. Once the Pikachu had shot his Thunder attack, A great windy, Thunderstorm took place.
The Solar Beam power clashed into the Hyperbeam,Thunderbolts, and the Thunder attack. There was a great explosion when the attacks hit. The Pikachu used agility and dashed to the Ivysaur then mega punching two of them. One fainted and was was about to faint, Pikachu gave him a mega kick and the almost fainted Ivysaur went flying into a tree fainting him. There was "6" Ivysaur left, and the Venusaur himself. The Venusaur was gaining power for a huge hyper beam attack. Totodile was still recharging. The Pichu didn't know what to do so they attacked head on and used there Thunderbolts running at the Ivysaur. The Ivysuar shot many Vine whips and caught all the Pichu except one, that one was whipped by vine whip and was running around yelling. The Ivysaur used vine whip again catching it. The Ivysaur sucked the 11 Pichu's power. All of the Pichu fainted. Pikachu was enraged and shot a tremendous Thunder at all the Ivysaur. Some Ivysaur were very hurt some were barely hurt. The Totodile couldn't think of anything to do. He tried to summon up and gain energy and was trying to create a two times more powerful hyper beam than an original hyper beam. This would take time, but it would be enough to defeat the Venusaur.
The Venusaur had already completed gaining energy, he shot a huge powerful hyper beam at Totodile. Pikachu jumped in front of Totodile and got blasted with the hyper beam! Totodile was so mad at that moment, he gained all of his energy he needed fast and summoned up all he needed. He shot a powerful hyperbeam splitting them into 7. All the hyperbeams smashed into the Ivysaur and Venusaur. They all fainted. Totodile kept firing Bubblebeams, Hyperbeams, and making Earthquakes to make sure they were fainted. Pikachu was still awake and thanked the Totodile. Totodile said he would bring them all a present. Totodile went down the floors of the Totodile grounds and got 12 Full Restores. And got one for himself. Then got 12 Revives. He gave all the items to the Pichu group. Then gave a special present to Pikachu, a Thunderstone!!! They spoke in their language...
Totodile: This is the only Thunderstone I have, you can have it if you want.
Pikachu: I sure would like to have it! It will help us cover more ground if I turn into my final evolution! See I seek treasure, An ancient Pokedoll that is said to be around here. It is one of a kind Pokedoll made by the ancient Pikachu.
Totodile: I see, well...hey what is going on with your group!?
**All 11 Pichu started evolving into Pikachu!!!!**
Pikachu: Hmmm it was about time they turned into a Pikachu like me. I guess I'll use the Thunderstone!
Pikachu uses the Thunderstone evolving into a Raichu!
Totodile: Well, good-bye! Good luck on your next journey!
Raichu: Thanks, good-bye!
Totodile goes to his grounds and there ends the story for this Part.
Pikachu group traders?

The next day the Pikachu Totodile had helped starting attack his grounds. Totodile blasted out of his underground layer and quickly asked what was going on, The Raichu and Pikachu knew that he had gotten it since he lived underground and everything was secure. The Raichu was racing at Totodile and shot a Thunder attack at Totodile! Totodile dodged and headed underground and locking up all the entrances to his underground grounds. The Pikachu made one big thunder and combined it with Raichu's thunder attack. then blasted it at the Totodile grounds. The power went off and Totodile's controls were useless. Totodile then turned on his bottled up electricity and used it to power some of the systems he needed.
He locked one circle shaped metal door and flooded four rooms behind the locked door. Totodile put rocks into a machine canon. Once the wet Pikachu and the Raichu had finally gotten out of the water flood and blasted the locked door to open it. Totodile shot the machine canon creating a Rock slide attack going straight for the Pikachu and the Raichu. The Pikachu tried to shock it but it had no effect and the were all smashed into walls by the rocks. They had all fainted. Totodile kicked all of them out and left them a note saying he didn't have it and thanks for breaking some stuff at my grounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totodile soon fixed it and fell over and fell asleep for working so long.

More to come!

I understand some of you don't like the stories because they are fake, I created JigglyRainbow for one purpose, it was for fun, yes he had cheap moves but I am fixing all that. Also I realized I have been forgetting to make all the stories in paragraphs. Sorry, next time I will not!