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Pokemon Codes Section

How to get missingno.
First of all, let me warn you and tell you this: ""He is a Virus... Here is how. First, trade with any person in the Cinnabar island lab. Then, go out and Missingno. is a VIRUS. If you catch him he will slowly start to delete your game PERMANENTALY. If you surf along the right-side coast of the island, so that it looks like you are half on land and half on water. After awhile, the screnn'll go like you're getting into a battle, but it will stay black for awhile. Then, you'll get into a fight with a blurry, static-looking Pokemon named Missingno. His moves are watergun, another watergun, and sky attack. He is bird(not flying)/normal type. His cry is the same as Nidoran's.

How to get 'M or Mysterio
First of all, this is a virus also, just like Missingno. To get Mysterio, go to Viridian city and talk to the old man that teaches you how to catch Pokemon. (the dude that wont let you by without giving Prof. Oak the parcel. Talk to him, and when he says "are you in a hurry?" say no. Watch him catch a Weedle. After he's done, fly straight to cinnabar island and suf alon the coast. It will be the same as Missingno. when you battle him, with same attacks and type, except his name is a bunch of blur and then it's 'M. You can also fight Squirtles and Charmeleon's at level 168 in the red version, and Clefables and Wigglytuffs at level 168 in the blue version.
How to get 100 of any item

First, switch the item you want 100s of on the 6th place of your items list. Do this by pushing select on the item and pushing select again on the 6th item of your list. Then, do the Missingno. trick or the Mysterio Trick, and kill one of them. Then, you should have over 100 of the item in the 6th place of your items list. It will have a wierd mark and then a 9 by it. as you use more, the mark will go away and you'll have 99 left. You can do this trick as many times as you want. NOTE: this trick doesn't work with HMs or the bike, etc. It does work with TMs, though.
The Codes Above where from Giovanni's Pokemon Page

The Invisible Pc Computer
Go to Celedeon City and go to the hotel.Go east-Right until you are at the right wall...go up to where you would turn on a pc and press "A" and you will hear a pc turn on
How to catch over 100 pokemon
Go to Viridian City and go to the old man who stopped you ealrier in the game or the old guy who wanted his coffee.Anyways,go to him and talk to him and say No,watch him catch a pokemon and then fly to cinnaabar island then go east-right and surf the east coast of cinnabar.Then you should hit Pokemon over level 100!

How to make a Poke-ball a Master ball
When you are in a Poke-battle,and win your throw the Poke-ball.Hole up+B at the same time when the pokeball hits the pokemon,if you did it correctly,the poke-ball should have been turned into a Master ball and caught the Pokemon,if takes practice too.

How to make Ivysaur,Charmeleon,and Wartortle Grow a level in each Poke-battle
This code is not likely to work, but it worked alot of times in my Red version, heres how,use either of those pokemon in a trainer battle, press A each time one of them do a move, at the end of the battle,it'll grow a level! If you win..

-Flying Ash-
Put 010007C1 and Ash will fly!

-Turn your Dodrio into Ash!

Put a Dodrio in the top of your list.Put 01E064D1 and flip the switch to on.Check your Dodrio's stats and there should be a picture of Ash!

-Fat guy walking over Prof. Oak's lab-
Sometimes when you do the code above there will be a Fat guy walking over Prof. Oak's lab!


the elite 4 13 times Go to Cinnabar island Trade Mewtwo to one of the guys in the Pokemon center their Go to the Deserted mansion their and where the gym key was - Pikablu is standing there.He is only level ? So be carful

beat the Elite Four (30) times.catch all 150 Pokemon , Talk to Oak - he'll give him to you.

** All 150 pokemon***

First, you have to go to Pewter city and go to route 3. Then, get past all the trainers and go to the patch of gr*** that is near the the sign that tells you mount moon is ahead. Get into a fight with any wild pokémon. Make sure you have 8 or more pokéballs! It doesn't matter if you don't want the pokémon, you have to catch it anyways. As soon as you press A on pokéballs,be ready to do this code: UP /DOWN /UP /LEFT /RIGHT /A /B /A /UP. You should see all of the pokémon being closed into the ball. Make sure you do it fast enough or it won't work!!!


First, Duplicate your rare candys and do the code above. Catch an exeggute and use the rare candys to train him to Level 100. Then beat the Elite Four ten times without stopping, except to heal your pokemon. On the tenth time, you will be back at Pallat Town. Then go to Prof. Oak's office, and talk to him. He will then give you a togepi.

Flareth Code:
Fist have 150 pokemon then have 4 moltres in your game and only carry around them and no other pokemon. Then talk to the thirsty girl in celedon 100 times and she gives you Flareth.

The Codes below are from Pokémon Neon

All 150:
Get to Viridian city then get over the bush by cutting it down, walk 6 feet forward and a ghost will pick you up and take you to Cloud City. In cloud city move the boulkders into the hole 5 times you will get 30 pokemon each time. There will also be a pokeball that will be where the 30 pokemon each time will be. Thats all! I don't know if it works.

Get to unknown dungeon, then catch a Raichu trade it back and forth 8 times and it I think it will evolve.

MEW: Start a new game and get a pokemon. Trade it to another version and teach it cut. Now beat the game until you get surf and strenght and skip the S.S. Anne (This is what you need cut for, to beat the rest of the game) Go to the S.S. Anne after you get the badge requirements for Surf, and Strength. Go to the Dude who asks for tickets ... and you swim just passed the dude to the right and you will find an island with a boulder on it if you have not done the access code yet then you can not push it but if you have done it then push it and a pokeball is under it get the pokeball and inside is mew the first pokegod now that you have 151 pokemon get your 3 birds out again and ... this is one part iam not sure about yet the legendary birds you either get out 3 geodudes ... or one geo. 1 gravlerand 1 golem you have to do one of these , one of them works and the other dont.

CHARCOLT: once you have those you go to the guy that tells you geodudes evolves i thing that guy is in the celadon department store you know in the game department anywayz in there ,there is a guy that is playing gb and talkto him... and he gives you charcolt i do not know if that is the right guy though.

FLARETH: now that you hae 152 pokemon.... get 4 moltres by trade or gameshark and have the 4 in your active 6 and only the moltres not any other pokemons once you do that go to celdaon dpt. store again then go to the top floor and talk to the girl who wants a drink 100 times anywayz after you do that talkto her one more time and she gets annoyed she says ... "I will give you flareth if you go away" and then she give you!

PIKABLU: now that you have 153 pokemon go to cerulean city with your surf pokemon you can have other pokemon with it but you really need your surfer go to cerulean city and go to the water ( you know by the unknown dungeon) and go in the water use the item finder in the water and after while it will beep and you will... find a pokeball with a note in it the note says there is a rare pokemon by cinnabar island be prepared because you fight this one and they are strong then go to cinnabar island.. (you can not find the note without the access code) once you are at cinnabar island have the pokemon that you taught dig supposbly you dig in the water around cinnabar... supposily if you dig in the right place a pikablu appears if you do not have the master ball.. use the same stragey as you did on the 3 birds and mewtwo

MISSINGNO: you have to have traded 4 times then beat the elite four and heal your pokemon at pallet town hen fly directly to cinnabar island then swim up and down the east coast of the sea between pallet and cinnabar after while you will see Missingno.!

Code from: A Pokemon Site

To capture a PokeGod
Notice that the "I" isn't from me,but from the site that I got it from.

I heard about this on another site, and I just couldn't believe that it really was true. So I tried it out for myself. Here's what I got... First, I advise you build your pokemon levels. Get them up to level 100 before you start. Stock up on supplies, like Max Potion, Full Heal, Full Restore, etc. Now, go to Indigo Plateau and defeat the Elite Four 26 times. On the 26th time, Professor Oak will say, "I'm tired of this." He will let you walk around the Pokemon Hall of Fame which leads to another city. I've heard it called Air City, but I'm not really sure about the name. In this city, people swap PokeGods. Now, if 26 times doesn't work for you, keep going at it. My friend tried the code and he had to beat the Elite Four 32 times. It's probably different in each Game Pak.

Statue Fishing
When inside a gym, if you stand beside or in front of the Pokemon statues, you can use any kind of Fishing Rod and actually go fishing! If you fish enough, you can catch some pretty good water Pokemon