My Gerbils
This page is dedicated to all my little gerbies!! I hope you enjoy learning all about them! And please don't forget about my gerbils on the Memorial Page link at the bottom of the page!
The story behind the clan...
Where everyone came from...
I am not a breeder so originally this clan started as one lone male. His name was Snooz and he was my first gerbil. I had him back when I didnt know alot about gerbils and how they needed company, etc. Snoozy lived a good life though full of attention and ultimately pasted away at the ripe old age of 4. After his death I broke my parents down and got a female pair, Rebbie and Smores. Then when hearing that a gerbil pair of a friend of mine had pups I convinced them to let me have another another female pair, Clover and Holliewood. Clover came with a suprise though. Turns out she was pregnant and she gave birth to a litter of 5 pups but sadly only 3 survived, my triplets Dusk. Dawn, and Mystic. After the death of the 2 pups, Charm and Willow (one female and one male) due to unknown causes, I got Oatmeal and Raisin, a male pair. Then for Christmas that year I got yet another male pair which I named Orion and Sagittarius. My population was now up to 11. Then tragically Smores developed a scent gland tumor and I had to have her put to sleep because there aren't any experienced vets who could have taken care of her around. She pasted on at the age of 2. I was very sad becasue she was a great gerbil. Then one day k in September my friend called and said that her science teacher had a pair of gerbils that had a litter of pups and that the runt was still needing a good home. I agreed to take the gerbil in and Kandi arrived. I was really excited because Kandi is the same color gerbil as Smores was! My population went back up to 11 and stayed so for a while. Then this past July I was hit hard! Rebbie, Smores cagesmate, hit the age of 4 and suffered a massive stroke. She died about a month later. Holliewood also died due to unknown reasons on the same day as Rebbie! Its really tragic and I really miss them alot! Starting from this point my population continues to go down. Raisin died at the age of two, all three of my triplets also died just short of three, Orion also dies at three, and finally my Clover just recently past away at the age of four. I am left only with my remaining three, Oatmeal, Sagittarius, and Kandi. I am not planning on getting any more gerbils until I get back from college since I will be a senior next year and will probably be going away.
Where their names came from...
I pride myself in giving my gerbils unique names that match their personalities.
Oatmeal Cookie: Oatmeal is named for his color. He is a agouti and just reminded me of oatmeal. With his white belly he reminded me of a oatmeal cookie and the name just works with his sweet persoanality. Oatmeal's name goes with his brother Raisin who sadly past away and can be found of my Memorial Page.
Megs's Kandice Sweets: Kandi was named by Meg who gave her to me. She said she named her after her two best friends in grade school and mixed our names together. Candy is sweet and so is Kandi. hehe
And now for the clan...
TRC's Oatmeal Cookie
--- Oatmeal is the smallest of any male I have ever had! Compared to the rest of the guys he is really tiny! But being a runt doesnt get his spirits down! In fact he is very confident! He is an agouti and he used to live with his brother Raisin (see Memorial Page) and they were quite happy together! They were always together and were unseparable! He is quite the show-off too!
TRC's Megs's Kandice Sweets
--- Kandi is my newest addition! She is a absolute sweety, through extremely independent! Plus she looks just like her Step-Aunt Smores (see Memorial Page)! She came form my from my friend Meg who got her from her school. Her biology class had two pet gerbils, Snow and Dre, and they had 7 pups on September 21st! She seems right at home here and really enjoys being the baby of my small clan! :)
Statistics Chart
Name Age Birthday (petstore=*) Color Parents/Siblings Male/Female Oatmeal Cookie Rogue 2 8/15/99* agouti unknown/Raisin male Kandice Sweets Rogue 1 9/21/00 pied golden agouti Snow&Dre/6 nameless siblings female Don't forget about...