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.:Time To Move:.

"Do we really have to move?" I asked my mom, sobbing.

"Well, I'm afraid we do." She answered as she graced my hair with her soft hand.

"But why?" I asked as tears gushed from my red swollen eyes.

"Hon, you know things haven't been going well since we had this little feud with the rest of our family. Your father said that we had to move by next week," My mother answered trying not to start crying herself. I then started crying even louder because we had to move by next week. My mom patted me on the back and told me good night. I just couldn't believe that I would be moving in one week! How was I gonna break this to all of my friends? Especially my BEST friend in the world! This couldn't be happening to me! I laid my head down on my feather pillow and tried to go to sleep. A few minutes later I was off in dreamland, dreaming about my favorite band in the world. Hanson.

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