*Behind The Music: Firebomber*

Behind The Music: Fire Bomber 2/? ******************************************************************** Narrator: With the introduction of Veffidas, a sultry Zentraedi drummer, the equation for Firebomber was almost complete. Ray: We decided to call it Firebomber. Basara: Fire Bomber. It's a sound that feels like fire missles in your soul. That's what I wanted, but something was missing. Ray: For starters, we needed a female vocalist who could play Bass and read music. Narrator: But finding one was just as hard as keeping one. (Ray sighs) Ray: I can't tell you how many girls we went through... I can't tell you how many girls we lost. Basara: They were no good anyway. Ray: Personality conflicts, incompetence... It was like we were doomed. Narrator: Fate began to work again. Millia: When Max and I decided to split up for a while, We saw a real change in Mylene's attitude. Captain Max: Oh It was hard for her but she never admitted it. Narrator: Instead of allowing herself to heal after her parents' divorce, Mylene began to rebel. (pictures of Mylene in rock clothes roll across the screen) At the age of 14 she entered the rock and roll community in hopes of persuing a musical career. Mylene: I got my guitar, my car, some funky clothes, and I moved out. Millia: We were separated and she didn't want to live with either of us... Mylene: It was then I found Ray. Ray: After the audition, I was so happy. Basara: She was this little girl with a big voice. Ray: Big voice... and cute as a button. Narrator: Firebomber was finally formed; However, things weren't going to be easy. Almost 3 months after they got together and recorded their first single 'Planet Dance', Mylene Jenius left Firebomber. Mylene: I thought I couldn't take it anymore. Ray: They argued all the time. Basara: She was a little girl with a big mouth. Mylene: Selfish, inconsiderate, non-chalant. Veffidas: It's useless arguing with Basara. Basara: I don't remember anything specific. Mylene: He critiized my singing! Ray: Arguing! Narrator: Just when the future looked dim... Mylene: I met Alice Holiday. Basara: Oh that's right. She picked up some old lady. (Alice sweatdrops) Alice: It was a time where I really didn't feel like living... and then she sang to me. Mylene: As I sang to my idol, I realized why I sang... Narrator: The group got back together ready to conquer the galaxy with energy as fresh as their sound. Akiko: We started recording the 1st album when the vampires invaded City 7. Narrator: In a time of fear and dispair, Firebomber's music offered a strong antidote. Dr. Chiba: Althought it wasn't proven at the time, Basara's singing had an effect on those who suffered from vampire attacks. Lt. Gamlin: Basara would fly into battle and sing. Col. Barton: He would scare the enemy away. With a voice like that, he'd frighten anyone... it's almost as bad as his attitude. Narrator: As Firebomber's popularity grew, and their singing was being analyzed, they became increasingly involved in the military. Ray: Sound Force. Basara: I don't like remembering those times. Mylene: The war was awful. Narrator: Although they were pacifists, Firbomber used their incredible singing prowess to persuade the protodevlins and inevitably stop war. Captain Max: They were our saviors. Millia: I never thought that we'd have to depend on someone like that. Narrator: After the war, Firebomber's first album went on to sell over 500 billion copies across the galaxy. They were inducted into Music Halls of fame in 12 macross fleets and 3 planets. In the 2 years after the war, the band had become the most sucessful group of all time... But inside, the band was suffering. Mylene: We had so many fans... we couldn't go anywhere. Akiko: Talk about famous... Basara: Something was missing and I just couldn't be happy there. (Mylene's eyes glisten) Mylene: It was some bad times... but if I could do it again, I would. Ray: For production it was good I guess, but Firebomber was never about the money. We had all those fans but it didn't matter. See it was never about being famous. Basara: Something was missing. Narator: Basara goes out to find that something. Mylene: It was like a part of me was missing. Narator: When behind the music continues.

TO BE CONTINUED When I finish Dynamite 7!!


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