Okay, here's where I say I didn't make Fushigi Yuugi... This fic is for
entertainment purposes only... Standard Disclaimers apply.
Before you proceed,  I will like to ask everyone to PLEASE read the notes
section in the end... If I say what I have to say now, you won't  reach the
actual Fic for a while... Here's a Tasuki fic written by yours truly...
And none of the plot is new... It's just from a different POV...
I hope you enjoy!

	Atsukure Tsurai. - It's Burning Like Hell.

Two years huh. Two fucking long years if you ask me. As I sit here chopping up
firewood of all things, I am forced to recollect my life thus far. The rythmic
sound of solid colliding forcibly against solid. The sheer power of this axe
I yeild... It would be the perfect weapon against my... never mind. Look at me,
I say to myself, Back home now. This dreadful place. So I stop chopping for a
moment, just a moment. Taking a brief rest. Falling back into the sweet repose 
of memories and life with her. In the past few years, all my thoughts seem to lead
me to her, and life with her. Her and her hurricane influence. How she was able to
intertwine 8 lives so delicately and strongly. All the things we've been through.
All the things I endured and gave up for her. All the time we spent together.
All this melting away in the fiery light from his wings. All the pain remembered
in the blood red sky. So then I continue to chop.

"If Aidou catches me like this, she'll throw a fit... or a log... Damn her!"

And so, I begin to listen to the rythmic pattern of solid hitting solid.
Colliding with one violent swing. And then I had the sudden urge to blaze
the very root of this pesky tree with my Tessen. Two years ago I probably would
have given into my animal instincts... So immature! And then I stop again, in
midstroke... What has changed so much in two years? And all I could think of then
was her. And I laughed out loud. I must have sounded crazy or something. But to 
be honest, I didn't care anymore. Women... sheesh... I remember the night I told
her I hate women. I never knew I could care for a person that much. Tamahome
must have knocked some sense into me...

"Shit, If Miaka hadn't been there screamin' and stuff, I DEFINATELY would have
kicked his ass!"

But she was so worried about him. She even cried for him, even though he hurt 
her. Even though he broke her heart. That's what I never understood about her. 
She was simple, yet so complicated. I could never quite figure out what exactly was
going on in that little brain of hers, but she never ceased to amaze me. I could
never fathom how so much love could exist in such a small body... Then I figured
If the girl lacked an inkling of common sense, the LEAST the gods could do was
bestow her with love... and with love she abounded. Such a loving girl... girl?
Or could she be considered a woman?... Now THAT made me drop my axe... Woman?


The mere word sent chills up my spine. How could the gods have invented such 
a vice... 2 Years ago, that's what I thought. But her presence caused me to 
rationalize that WOMEN weren't ALL bad. But who could blame me... Let's see
Women in my life:

1. Mom
2. Aidou,  Mai, Li'an, Jiang, and Pa'liu (shiver. sisters)
3. Rei Rei

I never understood ANY of them. And my actual experiences with them... I assure
you was not exactly your cup of Sake. For me to loathe an entire species was
just a defense... yeah defense. All my insecurities about myself, all my self
doubts, fears, all my shortcomings, were stemmed from then. They spun, and a 
tangled web did they weave... A misguided male. How could they do ANY good.
But then I met her, and her influence made all the difference. No, Miaka
wasn't a woman... Miaka was Miaka. That ought to do it. But I kind of wished
she could see me now... All this labor and farm work had made all the difference
in my build... and I'm not so immature anymore... but that could never happen.

I picked up my axe again, and struck with great force. I thanked Suzaku-sama
for not letting THEM catch me... I needed that time to think.
Solid on solid colliding with the force of my strong arms... Sucess!
Enertia, and gravity, or whatever the hell forces combined caused that
damn tree to finally fall...

"Another accomplishment huh... now to cut up this bastard..."

I raised my axe. prepared to hurl down my wrath on this pitiful thing.
One stroke, and it was almost split in half...


One more stroke, and the fallen tree would be completely in half. I raised
my hand and... and...
At first I thought I was hallucinating... I thought I was going fucking crazy!
But the red light steadily penetrated my eyes... My eyes hadn't decieved me.
Two shadows appeared through the blinding light. One for each year. And then
they metamorphasized into two people... vauguely familiar...

			"Who are you?"    

I questioned in disbelief and shock, and surprise, and all the feelings I was
feeling in those very moments.


cried a faintly familiar voice... The voice was only slightly different...
But the voice didn't belong to such a familiar body... just the eyes... green.
And the hair...red...

			"Who are you?... Miaka?"

			To Be Continued...


1.I would like to say a few words... First of all, Watase Yuu is a GENIOUS!...
	 Also, I would like to give a huge thanks to those heaven sent beings,
	Tasuki-no-miko, and Reika-chan, for translating the manga for those
	of us who can't actually read Japanese... DOMO!... I hope they get all
	the credit they deserve and more, seeing that I will  borrow some of
	their translations... cough cough... also ... Don't get me wrong, I absolutely
	 LOVED the second part of the Manga, but I would have liked to hear 
	much more from Tasuki... 
2. Is Tasuki OOC? ;_; 
3. Is There too much talking?
4. I actually got the title for this from a Rurounin Kenshin Song... 
	'Heart of Sword' I think... But It's so fitting for Tasuki, I HAD to 
	use it... 'Atsukure Tsurai- It's Burning Like Hell'
5. Next episode... Well since there is no Original plot, you know what 

Part 2
Fukai Omoi O