DISCLAIMER: Fushigi Yuugi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!


::...:: Denotes thought

			All the Things You Hold So Dear


Nakago stared blankly into the rose-colored horizon. "Is the girl here?"

"Yes, my lord," came the manservant's humble reply. "Her father agrees to all of the terms 
and conditions." 
::As if he had a choice.:: The daimyo raised a hand. "Very well then. See to it that she is 
bathed and dressed." He eyed the male purposefully. "I want her ready for me in the next 

The footsteps faded into the dojo. Nakago crossed his legs before turning his attentions to 
the thin film of substance on his drink. It was a beautiful cup, and the tea had probably been
lovely 6 hours ago when Soi had first made it. She had been worried... lonely perhaps, but
that was the least of his concerns. ::There have been more rebellions:: Yes. He could 
feel the tides shifting. He could sense that his time was near. ::The throne is near.:: It
was all a matter of maneuvering. 


::So this is where he lives.:: The girl walked slowly as if in a trance. The room enchanted 
her... Made her lose herself in its rich walls, rugs, and tapestries. ::Kirei...:: she thought
before her eyes landed on a large western canopy bed. She couldn't help but touch a hand to 
the red satin sheets as she rested her bundle on its softness. ::I guess I should unpack.::
Her heartbeat slowed as she felt the course fabric of her sac. She exhaled as a wisp of
red hair brushed against her sweaty forehead. She had been traveling all day and the
grumble of her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten since morning. ::Morning.:: She 
froze as the memories replayed themselves in her mind. ::You'll never see your family again.::

"Yuuki Miaka." 

She turned to the voice calling from the door. "What is it?"
"Follow me. You must be prepared for Lord Nakago."


The two men stood in their palace chamber. They hardly noticed the dry breeze that came in
through the open window.

"What's his next target?"

"Who knows." Hotohori ran elegant fingers through his hair ::The sun's about to set.::

The younger man sighed "I know he's collecting old debts from lords and shoguns but I can't
imagine why he needs the money... as if he isn't wealthy enough."

His long hair swung gracefully as he turned his head. "Nakago's most likely beefing up 
his military..." 

Tamahome's eyes darkened. "For what?"

"His attack on the empress."

The younger man froze in disbelief. "You're kidding me."

Hotohori stood calmly. "They've already kidnapped her daughter."

"Princess Yui..." 

He led her through a few corridors before stopping at two massive sliding doors. "These 
are Lord Nakago's chambers. You are only to go here when summoned." 

The noise of the wood with the rattling paper was hollow and almost eerie. Miaka's heart 
quickened when the doors finally eased open revealing a handsome and half-naked Nakago.
Just as her eyes registered the man, she felt herself being nudged into the room. The force
of the servant's arm made her stumble forwards, her legs moving with quick jerky motions. 

Nakago watched her every step... Memorized every curve through her thin yukata...
Noted the quiet blush that crept across her face. ::So tense...:: He couldn't help but grin 
upon seeing the effect that his gaze had on the girl. "Leave us."

With that, the door slid shut leaving Miaka all alone with her dashing blonde master.

She was at a loss for words. She could hear nothing but the thump of her pulse... Feel 
nothing but the heat of his eyes... See nothing but the blurry outline of his masculine
physique through her periphery. ::This man is father's boss.::  

"Come here."

His voice seemed to have no distinct origin. It was strong, omnipresent, and echoing from all
parts of the room. She paused before walking slowly to the foot of his western-style bed.

::It's time already.:: Grabbing one of her small hands, he laid her onto the bed. Towering 
over her, he touched a hand to her red mane. "Do you know why you're here?"

"Yes." She answered, remaining still as his hand moved from her bangs, across her browbone, to 
her cheek, and finally to the bottom of her chin. The sensation of his eyes, fingers, and skin 
paralyzed her. 

::She resembles her father:: He thought as she trembled beneath him. Preparing to taste her 
half-parted lips, he slowly lowered himself onto her. "Your father says you are a virgin."
He stopped when his lower lip brushed against her upper one. "I shall see for myself."

Miaka's eyes were still open when simultaneously the breath, lips, and hair touched various 
parts of her face. She wasn't sure when the lips had begun to cover hers or when the soft
blonde hair tickled her left cheek... she wasn't even sure whether the exchange was passionate
or violent; but, she knew that she could not fight... even if she wanted to.


				To Be Continued


1. This fic takes place in a Japan-like place sometime in the past when emperors and 
	empresses existed and it was okay to sell your daughters in exchange for cash
	and/or favors... its my little world.

2. This is just the beginnings I will not be using all of the characters of FY in this 
	fic... Jut my favorites ^.~
