DISCLAIMER: Fushigi Yuugi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!


::...:: Denotes thought


			All the Things You Hold So Dear


Morning light. She opened her eyes slowly. ::Where am I?:: The room seemed to be moving.
Her vision was so blurred and the light of the sun so brilliant. 

"Tasuki, our princess is awake!" 

The voice was loud. ::Who is that?:: She braced herself against the wall behind her.
"Who are you? Where am I?"  

The boy chuckled causing the girl to flinch involuntarily. "You don't need to know who I am.
Just know that you are being summoned by Lord Nakago."

At that the princess gasped. ::Nakago did this...:: 

He continued. "You'd do best to shut your mouth and go back to sleep."

"Suboshi!" Came Tasuki's voice from across the 'room.' 

Yui turned her head to find the other man approaching, orange-hair shining with the sun's 

"Don't be so  disrespectful... I mean, she's still a princess after all."


His heartbeat had slowed considerably though their breathing was synchronized. Miaka's
head rested sleepily against her captor's chest while his fingers mingled possessively
in her silky red hair.

::Interesting...:: His orgasms had been powerful. Never before had he gained so much 
pleasure from having sex. ::Not even with Soi...::  He grinned as he silently thanked
her father for his good judgment. "Sleep."

Miaka could barely hear his voice but she nodded. Her head was spinning as she tried to 
recover from all the sensations their night and morning together had aroused. ::Is this the
way it will be... From now on...:: Her thoughts drifted off as his warmth radiated from under


::We're here already?:: The carriage still bounced slightly though the horses had stopped
mmoving. Suboshi yawned before addressing Tasuki. "I'll go get Nakago." He then motioned
to the bound girl. "You should take her to the office.

Tasuki sighed before turning to the girl. "So princess, are you coming out or will I have to 
drag you?" 

She sat unmoved save the erratic heaving of her chest.

Upon hearing no response, Tasuki tossed the girl over his shoulder. "I guess i'll have to 
drag ya."


::What's this strange chi?:: The boy paused in front of the door. "Lord Nakago, may I enter?"

"Come in."
Suboshi parted the wooden doors, shocked at what was being seen by his eyes. ::Who is this 
girl... What were they doing?:: He blushed.

"Suboshi, were you and Tasuki successful."

He swallowed the saliva that had gathered in his mouth. "Y-yes Nakago. Tasuki and the princess
are in the office."

"I'll be right there." He nudged the sleeping girl. "You should go to your room." He handed 
her a robe that she gingerly slipped on. She was unaware of Suboshi's presence until she
passed him on her way out.


				To Be Continued


1. This is a really short chapter because I got impatient... Next chapter will be longer
	and better... I promise
