DISCLAIMER: Fushigi Yuugi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!


::...:: Denotes thought


			All the Things You Hold So Dear


Hotohori stepped in front of the younger man. "I'll go Lord Taitsu."

Tamahome furrowed his eyebrows. "I must save Yui... If anything happens to her... If
anything happens to her." He paused to stifle the tears.  "Please."

The throne room was still. All eyes were on the empress as she studied the two men. ::So 
loyal...:: "Tamahome, you will stay here. Hotohori, you shall go."


"Why won't you eat?" Suboshi's face was furious as he thrust the spoon forward.

Yui held her ground. "No! I'd rather starve than be ransomed by Nakago."

His eyebrow jumped. "Ransomed? Are you kidding me?"

The princess panicked. "Isn't that what he's gonna do? Why else would he bring me here?"

The boy grinned. 

She hadn't the strength to mask her outrage. "Why are you smiling like that?" ::Damn you.::

He rested the bowl in front of her. "Nakago-sama has better plans for you."


"Doesn't it feel good?" Nuriko outstretched her hands into the breeze.

Miaka nodded. "There is nice weather in this region."

Tasuki sighed as the voices carried to his ears. He hadn't slept in two days and it was
beggining to wear on his health. ::I need some rest before I go back home.::  

Miaka smiled as Nuriko handed her a large watering can. "Everything is so beautiful around
here..." She turned to the older girl. "Lord Nakago owns all of this?" 

Nuriko nodded. "He won some, ransomed some... but its all his." She stopped abruptly, 
studying the orange-haired man who had decided to "camp" in the middle of Nakago's 
private gardens. "Who are you?"

Tasuki glanced at them casually, finally noticing the strange purple and red-headed girls. 
"Who are you?" 

Nuriko folded her arms across her shoulders. "I'm a servant to lord Nakago. I take care of 
the garden that you've decided to sleep on."

He released another sigh before raising up from his reclining position. "Well, I'm a
guest and your boss said I can sleep wherever the hell I want without being disturbed."  
Tasuki glanced at the other girl. "Are you a maid too?"

She shook her head. "I'm Miaka."

His posture crumbled into the soft blanket spread over the green grass. "Miaka is it. Well, 
piss off." He closed his eyes again as the girls walked by. 


::This is the way it should be.:: Soi felt a rush of breeze as she prepared Nakago's tea.
::Love?:: Her hands searched for the porcelain teacup that he seemed to love. ::Love?:: Her 
eyes strained to see through the abyss of china. ::Where is it?::   

She walked to the door, finding the purple-haired servant she wanted outside. She watched as 
the girl laughed and chatted with Miaka. Miaka. The new red-haired bimbo. ::Hate.:: 
She pursed her lips before speaking. "Nuriko!!"    ::where did you put Nakago-sama's cup?:: 
"Nuriko! Get inside!"


Miaka's ears perked up. "I think someone's calling you"

Nuriko pouted. "I hope not, i'm on break."

"NURIKO!" boomed Soi's voice.

Tasuki covered his ears. ::Geez... so noisy.:: 

Miaka frowned. "I think she's angry."

Nuriko sweatdropped. ::You think?:: "Yes, Soi-san I'm coming!" She turned to the girl. "I 
guess I have to go." 

Miaka waved. "Don't worry about me. I still have some unpacking to do."

Nuriko furrowed her eyebrows. "Do you know your way back?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

Nuriko smiled. "Make yourself at home, okay!?" With that she rushed towards the dojo.

She watched Nuriko's retreating form. ::She's so nice.:: When she had disappeared into the dark 
wood building, Miaka turned in the direction from which she came. "I guess I found a friend 
after all." She walked quickly, inhaling the warm breeze as she went. :: Such a nice day.:: 
She closed her eyes as she slowed her pace, the sun beating down on her milky pale skin. Just 
when she opened her eyes, she could  feel herself plummeting to the earth.

Tasuki sat up as the girl collided with the grass covered earth. "Hey! Did you just trip over 
me?" He questioned in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry!" She stammered as she lifted herself off of the ground. I forgot you were

He sweatdropped as she dusted herself off. ::Unbelieveable:: "You okay?"

She masked her surprise as she nodded. "Yes." ::He's not upset.:: "I didn't mean to bother 
you again... um..."  

"Tasuki." He assisted.

"Yes, Tasuki. I'll just go now." She smiled nervously.

"Miaka is it?" He questioned.


"You should keep your eyes open when you walk." 

She nodded as she moved away. "Yes. I'll remember that."  


Nakago glanced up from the paper. "This is the map. Now where is the data."

Kouji handed him another scroll. "Right here. I've got weapon counts, soldier estimates
in each province, dates of festivals, names of all the generals, and the lists goes on.
See for yourself."

He placed the papers inside his bureau. "I believe you."

The scar-faced man sighed. "I gotta get laid or i'll kill someone."

Nakago grinned. "You never change."

Kouji cracked his fist. "Is there anything wrong with wanting a lady every once in a while?"

"There is a girl here if you want."

::For me?:: Kouji's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"  He smiled as he read the calm in Nakago's

Nakago rose from his seat. "I'll take you to her."


"What's this doing here?!" Miaka pulled the necklace from her sac. It was silver with a jade 
stone dangling from the middle. Her eyes widened with recognition. "So... Mom gave this to me." 
As she proceeded to clasp the jewelry around her neck, the door rattled open. The noise caused 
her to drop the necklace. ::Who's there?:: She turned quickly. "Nakago-sama!" Embarassment 
replaced the fright on her face. "You scared me." Her heart began to race as he walked towards 
her. ::Does he want to...::  Her cheeks began to redden. 

He watched her pointedly. "I have a guest. Entertain him for me."

Her red eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean."

He eyed her evenly. "Do whatever he says."

::What?:: She watched him as he left. When his foot landed on a particular spot a low
crunch sounded from the floor. ::The necklace?:: Just then another man entered. She froze as 
she watched the long scar on his cheek.

He walked towards her, unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke. "You. Why do you still have clothes 


				To Be Continued


1. Sorry about how slowly all of this is moving (grrrr... It can't be helped.)... Everything has to marinate...
	 I'm soo tired too ^.^ <== bags under eyes (must get sleep... gah!)
