DISCLAIMER: Fushigi Yuugi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!


::...:: Denotes thought


			All the Things You Hold So Dear


::What time is it?:: Tasuki rubbed his eyes before glancing at the dark skies. ::How long 
did I sleep?:: The moon beat its silvery light on the grass as he folded his blanket. "I
gotta take a bath."


Miaka soaked in the bathwater. The room was so huge, stretching onwards into the steam.
::That man...:: The image of his scarred face resurfaced in her mind. ::He's still 
there...:: She had left when he was still sleeping. ::Sleep.:: She closed her eyes slowly. 
Her body was weak and aching from what went on only a few moments ago... Her mind was still
shocked.  ::How did it happen?... That's right Nakago said...:: Her eyes shot open. 
::Nakago said to...:: Her vision began to blur. ::Tears?:: She hadn't the strength... yet 
she sobbed and cried as her heart broke.


He entered the bathhouse, making his way to through the steam. As he approached the water,
he noticed the outline of a person. ::Who?:: It was then that he heard it... the low and
spasmodic moaning... the grief-induced bawl fed by short, quick breaths. "Hello? Is anyone

Miaka could hear a voice. ::No. Don't come.:: She couldn't stop herself from crying and as 
he approached, the pain was replaced by fear.     :: I don't want you to know.::

Tasuki saw the head covered with red hair by the light of a sole candle. "Who's that?"

::Don't come.:: She tried to mouth words as the footsteps came nearer and nearer, stopping
only when he reached the water's edge. Her hands covered her face as she lowered her 
shoulders into the water. 

"You... why are you crying like that?"  He gathered his thoughts before speaking again. 

"Go." She finally said though her hands had muffled the words.

"What did you say?"

She uncovered her tear-streaked-face, hands floating down into the water. She closed her
eyes before half-whispering  "Leave me alone..."

Tasuki flinched. "Hey..." He tightened his hold on his towel. ::Tell me what to do.::   
"Who did this?"
She remained still as an all-consuming blackness seeped into her chest. Everything numbed all 
at once as his voice faded away.


Morning. Suboshi rubbed his eyes as he walked through the halls. ::I'm so starving.:: He 
paused at the dining room entrance. "Tasuki, you're up!" He scratched his stomach before 
taking a seat near to the bandit. "How'd you sleep?"

Tasuki's face was meditative. "I fell asleep outside."

The younger boy reached for a plate. "That's understandable, the weather was really nice.--"



Tasuki lowered his eyes. ::Maybe he knows.:: 	"Did anything happen last night."

He scratched his head. "Let's see... Kouji came by..."

A fang peered out of his lips as his expression brightened. "Really?"

The blonde nodded. "Yep.. But he went back to the mountains this morning."


The boy sat up suddenly. "Oh yes! There was an intruder last night!"

Tasuki arched an eyebrow. "An intruder?"

Suboshi nodded as he scooped some rice gruel onto his plate. "He tried to recapture Princess
Yui." His words were tinged with laughter. "How foolish of him."

"Where is he?"

"In the dungeon."

::There's a dungeon in this dojo!?!?:: Tasuki masked his surprise. "Oh. Can you take me 
there later?::


::I'm alive?:: Hotohori lay on the cold concrete in darkness. The freezing ground was 
strangely soothing to the lash-marks on his chest. ::Damn you!:: He flinched as he remembered
the pain of Nakago's whip... The wounds on his back, chest, and arms were still
tender. ::I failed...:: He tried to move but his muscles would not cooperate. ::If only I 
had my sword...:: 


Morning. Miaka opened her eyes slowly. ::Where?:: She raised up slowly, noticing the small
puddle of water surrounding her. ::Did I sleep here?:: She realized that she was naked under
a fresh bathrobe.

"You're awake?"

The voice was familiar. ::He's here.:: Her eyes never left the floor as she propped herself
onto her knees and elbows.

Nakago continued. "Were you trying to kill yourself?"

Miaka's head turned slowly to find his. She could see that his back was facing her though he 
was half-submerged in water.  ::You don't care...::

He could hear water dripping onto the floor. "Was it because of last night? Was my guest 
not gentle?"

She bit her lip. ::What is he saying?:: Her eyebrows furrowed as she gazed at the muscles 
rippling over his back. "Why..."

He opened his eyes as she struggled to continue. 

"Why did you--"

Nakago stopped her. "Did I what?" His voice held its characteristic calmness. "Are you 
forgetting why you're here?"

The air was so tense. "To work but--"

"But what?" He was decidedly blunt. "I decide what work I want you to do. "

Miaka lowered her head. ::So cold.:: "I thought you--"

Nakago grinned. "Thought I what?"

She clenched her fists. ::Thought you cared.:: "Nothing."

Nakago closed his eyes. "Don't think. Just do what I say."

A tear escaped from eyes. 


::Morning?:: Yui's throat was sore from the screaming. ::Hotohori?:: She heard nothing from the
next cell. ::He lost so much blood....::   She shook her head.  ::Its impossible.:: 
He couldn't have died. ::Did he?:: She could see everything clearly. Yui remembered moaning
as he passed out. She trembled as she noticed the crazed glint in Nakago's eyes as he thrashed
the man's limp body. She thought he had died for sure under the wrath of his whip. ::What
does he want?:: She gritted her teeth. :: Damn him!:: 


Tasuki glanced around. "Where is he Suboshi?"

"This way."

Yui lifted her eyes. "Who's there?"

Suboshi sighed. "Can it Princess..."

::Damn him too.:: She tightened her hold on the prison bars. "What do you want with me? Why 
am I here?"

::How conceited:: "For your information, we're here to see your friend."

::Hotohori?:: Her mind began to panic. "Leave him alone, haven't you people done enough."

The two paused in front of the second cell. 

Tasuki studied the battered body. "Is this the man."

Suboshi nodded. "I guess Nakago didn't hold back."

::I can't believe he's still breathing.:: The orange haired boy spoke. "Hey.. someone should
treat his wounds."

The boy nodded. "Yeah... i'll ask Nuriko later... Say Princess, What's his name."

::They're going to help him...:: Her heart softened a bit. "Hotohori. He's the brother of my

::She's engaged.:: Suboshi shrugged. "He's a bloody mess now." With that Tasuki began to 
walk away. "Where are you going?"

::Who knows...:: "Later Suboshi."


She began to walk aimlessly, her bathrobe loosely tied shut. She wasn't even sure whether 
she had passed the dojo or not, but she didn't care. ::Nobody cares.::


::I need some air.:: Tasuki wandered past the limits of Nakago's property. There was an untamed
field ahead overgrown with weeds and wild grass. He whistled carelessly before sensing someone 
ahead. ::What?::  He look around before landing upon the figure of a girl. ::Miaka...::


As she made her way towards the tall grasses, she noticed rustling followed by a hollow, 
eerie rattling. ::Huh?::

He heard her scream. ::What?:: It happened so quickly... He saw her fall backwards then 
noticed the snake that had attached itself to her leg. ::Miaka!:: He instinctually
ran towards her... his legs and lips moving by themselves...  

The girl barely hit the ground when Tasuki's incantation caused a dagger to materialize in the 
snake's skull. At that moment its eyes went blank and the last sliver of poison left its 
fangs. Gravity pulled it down... the rattler falling from the girl as the dagger shattered 
into hot flames that blackened its brown scales... disintegrated its lifeless body. "Miaka!"


::Is there fighting?:: Nakago looked up from the scroll that Kouji had brought. ::That was 
Tasuki?:: The chi was so powerful... Nakago had never imagined the boy to be so strong. :: So
suddenly too... It rivals mine?:: Nakago rose from his chair. ::Impossible.::


				To Be Continued


1. Grrr... no matter what I do to this chapter it just keeps on sounding choppy... 

Part 5