
Blanket Scenario: Miaka and Tasuki	by: Courtney-chan

The knife-like moonlight was barely visable. It was a night that froze even 
the horizon. Everything was suspended in the unceasing white... gusts of white
that clouded and concealed their surroundings.


"T-T-T-Tasuki... I-I-I'm..."

"Y-Y-You're st-st-stuttering already! F-F-F-Fuck it's c-cold."


They both halted in front of a small cabin... They exchanged glances before
runining inside.

"Hello?... Is anyone in here?"

"Of course not ya moron. Do you see anyone here. Besides it's so damned cold
that if people actually lived here, they would be inside."

"You're right."

It was then silent. Nothing could be heard except for the squeaking of shoes
and boots against the hard wood floor.

"Okay, let's get the fire started... LEKKA SHIEN!"

The sparkling blaze of orange and red illuminated the once dark room. The 
flames crackled, devouring what was left of old firewood... 

"Wow! Thanks Tasuki! You're Tessen is awesome!"

Tasuki felt the blood rush down from his face. He turned a delightful 
shade of scarlett before turning around.

"No problem... Now we've gotta get rid of these soaked clothes... We both
got wet in the snow."

"You're right. I'm soaked to the skin."

And Tasuki froze... the prospect of seeing her naked swarmed around his

"What am I thinking?" he whispered to himself while brushing aside stray strands
of orange locks. 

It was not long after she left that he began to realize his feelings for her.
As he heard the unzipping of cloth  from across the room, he disputed how
pure his feelings were for her. Was it just infatuation? or was it something
more. Deep in his heart he knew the answer. He could not rationalize or 
reason it in any other way. He was in love. He stared down at the intricate
pattern of the wooden floorboards. It was surprisingly cold inside. It was
almost just as cold outside, or possibly more freezing...

The turmoil outside was merely a mirror of what raged inside him. A storm of
frightening emotions that whirled relentlessy in his soul. With each passing
moment they accumulated. Collecting and settling all the way down to the 
bottom of his pounding heart. 

He looked outside. He looked upon the feathery gusts that lingered deliberately
in the air before falling on the snow-packed earth.

He softly closed his eyes breathing the crisp air... It was going to be a long
night... and a part of him was glad, yet a part of him wanted to run outside
and hurl himself in the storm. 


He forced himself to turn around... She had stripped down to her shirt. It was
white and clung to her body in choice places... *BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!*
His eyes unwittingly examined her body as she spoke...

"Tasuki, Why aren't you undressed yet... You'll catch a cold... Tasuki?"

He felt himself flush 3 more shades of scarlett, before he turned around 
quickly... He had to keep his cool facade... He chuckled quickly    

"You just wanna see me naked... huh!"

At that, he felt a hard substance colliding against his skull. It proved to
be the left side of her shoe. 

"Ouch! What you do that f--"

He quickly stopped as he saw her removing the shirt.
He turned around again... It was his turn to get undressed... and he didn't
want to seem suspicious...

He quickly removed his clothing, leaving just his underpants... If anything,
he had to preserve a shred of his dignity. He threw his clothes near
the fire besides her clothes, before sitting down...

"So where's Taka?"

"Hmm? Oh! He's back in our world... Suzaku just transported me again...
sheesh! That has been happening a lot recently... I hope we find all of his
stones soon... I don't want him to disapear."

The room was blanketed in an awkward hush. The calm seemed to drag across the
frosty air. Both of them eyed their surroundings, until Tasuki's eyes alighted
on a folded cloth in a far corner of the room. 
He rose abruptly startling Miaka...

"Tasuki, What's wrong?..."

She got up to follow him...

"Look what I found."

He pointed out the blanket to her... He was grateful she chose to keep on her

"Tasuki, you're a genious!"

"You an have it, I'm fine."

Suddenly the orange light that blazed in the room began to dim. They both 
gazed upon the dying fire.

"Oh no, the fire's dying!"

"LEKKA SHIEN!... no use... I need to get fire wood..."

"You can't mean..."

"It's the only way."

Tasuki motioned towards his clothes, until he felt an arm pulling him... 

"No way! You can't go out there in the cold... It's freezing! You'll die!"

"What are you talking about... let go of me ya moron!"

"No! We have a blanket, besides you'll freeze and you know it... I don't
want you to die!"

Tasuki Immediately stopped. He looked at her face. She was worried.

"Fine. just let me go."

She let him go. He sat down on the floor sulking...

Miaka came forward with the blanket. She wrapped it around him.

"What are you doing! You'll freeze! I told you take it!"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like a jerk! We'll both freeze
if you don't just shut up and cooperate!"

Tasuki shivered.

"You see... now here. The blanket is big enough for the both of us."

They both got into the blanket and lay on the floor. They faced opposite 

Warmth slowly circulated under the blanket. The two began to get more 

"I told you." said Miaka.  "Doesn't that feel much better."

"Shut up!"

Miaka laughed lightly. The sound of her laughter touched the very core of
his heart. The storm raged on both outside and inside. 
He was glad he could make happy. even for one second. And he 
smiled into is arm...

"Goodnight Tasuki."

"Goodnight Baka!"

"Mou!" yelled Miaka...


1. Tasuki and Miaka 4 ever!
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