DISCLAIMER: Fushigi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!

	Don't Let me Be Lonely Tonight -A Teen Yuugi spin-off song-fic

Soi and Kouji sit laughing in the cafeteria.

She takes a sip of his coke before going to the vending machine. 

He watches her as she walks, remembering some of the time they spent together.

He pictures them dancing at her sweet 16 

And her giving him a kiss on the cheek at the end of the song that was playing.

She takes out her wallet preparing to put some coins in the slot, when Tamahome approaches.

Kouji watches as Tama pays for her drink. 
	<'It sure is good to see you' and 'It's time to go'>

The two laugh while whispering things he can't make out.

Soi waves to him from a far as She and Tamahome walk away together.

His heart sinks with the salami he just swallowed.

He wipes Soi's lipstick off of the can before taking another swig of soda.

His eyes rove across the dining room for a familiar face...

He then sighs upon seeing none.

He belches before laughing sadly to himself.

He picks up his tray, trying to leave there as fast as possible.

He can feel heat rising into his face.

He can hear himself asking Soi about her relationship with Tamahome...

and he can hear her laughing it off... 

The school bells ringing in time with the ringing of her laughter in his ears.

He shoves his hands deep into his pockets.

"Where the fuck is Tasuki?" He mutters to himself.

He couldn't possibly mock Tamahome by himself later.

He knew he wouldn't have the strength.

author's notes!

1. "Don't Let me be lonely tonight" is ung/written by James Taylor... I love him!!
	He and I have the exact same birthday... not the year though.. i'm way younger
	than he is!

2. This is to accompany the new chapter of Teen Yuugi (which is FINALLY OUT)... Kouji's
	evil side comes out a lot in the newer chapters of TY so I had to remind you
	guys that he is still human... and he's still vulnerable...
	But I couldn't do it in a less corny way... oh well.


