Macross 7 Links!
Totsugeki Love Heart : Macross 7
This is THE site to go if you love Macross 7! It's like the unofficial OFFICIAL Macross 7 page... and the layout is to die for!

Rik Newman's Page... His page is probably one of the best out there... He's also responsible for the Totsugeki Firebomber page...

to be fire...
Kirstien's Macross 7 page! The layout is beautiful, plus she has fanart!!

Mylene's Page of Delight... the layout is suteki!

The Society for the Promotion of Macross 7 Kewl site! Macross 7 must be spread to the far corners of the world!!! They have some nice spm7 banners!

Macross 7
Great site! Has mac 7 doujinshi's, fanart, fanfictions and a whole lot of kewl stuff... Too bad it isn't in english... ;_; I can't read the fanfictions!!

Gubaba First Photo Album
Very Cute. ^.~

Mylene-chan's Nekki Basara Shrine
One of the first Macross 7 sites I ever went to... I miss the fanfiction that used to be there... wah!! ;_;

Anima Spiritia::Nekki Basara
form the webmistress mentioned above... she has a new site! Plus the layout is sugoi...

Anipike's Macross Link Page
Anipike is the place to go for everything... here's their macross page.

This page is link free!

Use this banner in case you like linking with banners ^.~
