What they would never say
-Ah!!!! Help!!!!! We’re being attacked again!!!!! Ah!!!!!! Run!!!!! Hide!!! We’re being attacked!!!!!!!!!!
-You know, I think I might just drop rock’n’roll and go into rap. It sells better.
-You say my singing sucks!? (Waves his fist in the air angrily) Say that again and I’ll beat the living hell out of you, you son of a *beep*!!!!!!!!
-What!? We’re number 117 on the count down?! Come on people! what are you doing!? This is a “band eat band” world!! If we don’t get serious, we’ll never make it into the top ten!!!
-Ray, I’ve decided. I’m moving out. I just can’t stand that damn hole anymore!
-Uh…Ray? Don’t get mad, okay? I sort of used your credit card and bought an Italian sofa set. I thought my room looked kinda empty…
-Viffedas, for the last time, STOP THAT DRUMMING!!!! It’s bugging the hell out of me!!!!!
-Hey! I have an idea! Let’s do a show with Mylene on the drums, Me on the keyboard, Ray could take my place, and we’ll have Viffedas on the bass! Come on! It’ll be fun!
-Hey everyone, guess what?! I’m taking karate lessons!!
-(complains in a whiny voice) But I don’t want to be on “Sound Force”!!! I want to be on the “Diamond Force”! Their valkeries have more missiles!!
-Oh Mylene, You’re so mature!
-You want my autograph?(blushes deeply) Oh…. I’m flattered….
-Hey, baby! I’m free this weekend.
-this is my motto: KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-No, I’m serious! I’m thinking about cutting my hair!
-Do these leather pants look good on me? Or should I try on the bell-bottoms?
-Okay Gamlin. You listen, and you listen good. Mylene’s mine, Okay? MINE! So you just stay the hell away from her, and I don’t have to tear your house up with my valkery. Did I make myself clear?
- Meet my boy friend - Nekki Basara!
-I’m thinking about trading Gubaba in for a hamster.
-No, really! My mom and I are like sisters!!
-What are you talking about! My mom and dad never fight!!
-Okay Basara, I’ve had enough!! You call me a little kid one more time,(raises her fist) and I’ll make your face look like it just came out from the microwave, you got me?
-Everyone, I have something really important to announce! Gamlin and I are getting married!
-You may follow me around as much as you like Michael.
-I agree with you completely, Basara.
-(Bashes her guitar) That’s it! I’ve had enough of singing!! I’m going into modeling…
-What? No! I hate going in valkeries! I’m afraid of hights.
-Basara, can I ruffle your hair??? PPLLEEAASSEE???????????????????????????
-I’m so sick of hot pink! Maybe I should dye my hair blue…
-I’m sorry Gamlin san…I know you’re really nice to me and all, but, let’s face it. You CAN’T sing!!! And besides…you blush too much.
-Okay, you want to know the real reason I joined Fire Bomber? When I tried out I thought Basara was just so incredibly hot…I mean, what would you do if you were me, right?
-Listen to my song!
-NO! NO! Don’t fire at the enemy!!! We have to SING!!
-That’s it. I’m not getting paid enough. I’m quitting Diamond Force.
-Uh…Mylene? I’m sort of short on cash now…so, I was wondering…could I have that diamond ring back?…I figured I could sell it for a couple hundred bucks.
-Please????? Oh, come on, Basara! Just let me join Fire Bomber! I can play the maracas! Or even the xylophone! Hey, how about these cool castanets?
-I’m sorry mayor Millia. I can’t marry Mylene. I’m sort of…involved with other girl. She’s really nice! She doesn’t talk much though… She has short blond hair, always wears a nice dress and a straw hat, and she always seems to be carrying a bouquet of flowers for some reason…
-In a couple of years, I’ll be sitting where old Max is sitting now.
-Basara is like a brother to me. We share everything. Even girls!
-Maybe if I start a band of my own…Mylene would like me more.
-Hey, Basara! Wanna trade valkeries?
-Abort mission! I repeat! Abort mission! Why? Because I’m hungry. Let’s stop for some food.
-I’m the lieutenant, so you do as I say! And I say we skip the stupid meeting and go to the Fire Bomber concert. I haven’t seen Mylene in days.